CogWatch: An open-source platform to monitor physiological indicators for cognitive workload and stress

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Cognitive workload is a measure of the mental resources a user is dedicating to a given task. Low cognitive workload produces boredom and decreased vigilance, which can lead to an increase in response time. Under high cognitive workload the information processing burden of the user increases significantly, thereby compromising the ability to effectively monitor their environment for unexpected stimuli or respond to emergencies. In cognitive workload and stress monitoring research, sensors are used to measure applicable physiological indicators to infer the state of user. For example, electrocardiography or photoplethysmography are often used to track both the rate at which the heart beats and variability between the individual heart beats. Photoplethysmography and chest straps are also used in studies to track fluctuations in breathing rate. The Galvanic Skin Response is a change in sweat rate (especially on the palms and wrists) and is typically measured by tracking how the resistance of two probes at a fixed distance on the subject's skin changes over time. Finally, fluctuations in Skin Temperature are typically tracked with thermocouples or infrared light (IR) measuring systems in these experiments. While consumer options such a smartwatches for health tracking often have the integrated ability to perform photoplethysmography, they typically perform significant processing on the data which is not transparent to the user and often have a granularity of data that is far too low to be useful for research purposes. It is possible to purchase sensor boards that can be added to Arduino systems, however, these systems generally are very large and obtrusive. Additionally, at the high end of the spectrum there are medical tools used to track these physiological signals, but they are often very expensive and require specific software to be licensed for communication. In this paper, an open-source solution to create a physiological tracker with a wristwatch form factor is presented and validated, using conventional off-the-shelf components. The proposed tool is intended to be applied as a cost-effective solution for research and educational settings.



Wearable, Sensor, State Detection, Heart rate, Galvanic skin response, Educational tools
