Power spectrum of the current in systems with a conserved density


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American Physical Society


Motivated by recent studies of model sandpiles, the power spectrum S of the current in dissipative dynamical systems with a conserved density is investigated. In contrast to self-organized criticality exhibited in certain lattice gases and noisy Langevin equations, where power laws are described by universal, simple indices, the index of S(f) for small frequency f is determined at a second-order phase transition by nontrivial critical exponents. For systems with no external drive (i.e., model B), the exact result for the dynamic exponent z is rederived. With drive (driven diffusive systems), the index is given by the exponent of anisotropies. Simulation in two dimensions yields good agreements with theoretical predictions.



driven diffusive systems, self-organized criticality, stochastic lattice, systems, phase-transitions, 1/f noise, field-theory, critical-behavior, gas models, equilibrium, dynamics, physics, condensed matter


Leung, K. T., "Power spectrum of the current in systems with a conserved density," Phys. Rev. B 44, 5340(R) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.44.5340