Computing Trajectories: Pathways into Computer Science and Programming Experience in the First Year

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Virginia Tech


Many universities across the United States have been experiencing an increased demand for computer science majors. Adjusting curriculum to meet increased demand runs the risk of damaging ongoing efforts to broaden participation in computer science. To manage growth, and increase the representation of women and underrepresented minorities in the field, we must first understand current patterns for participation, and factors that may impact access and persistence.

Universities with common first-year engineering programs present an opportunity for addressing some of the barriers that have traditionally limited access to computer science to certain groups. In particular, common first-year programs could provide early positive experiences with computer programming which encourage more students to consider computer science as a viable major.

To better understand how a common first-year engineering program may impact matriculation and persistence in computer science, I conducted studies to identify high-level patterns of participation in computer science, as well as how students experience programming instruction in an introductory engineering course. All studies share the same context: a large public research institution with a common first-year engineering program.

Results indicate that women are leaving computer science at all points of the curriculum, contributing to a reduced representation of women earning CS degrees. In contrast, URM and first-generation students have higher representation at graduation than when declaring major interest before the start of their first year.



engineering education, computer science education, first-year engineering, MATLAB, broadening participation
