GIS Applications in Urban Tree Inventory

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Virginia Tech


This project evaluates and demonstrates some applications of a GIS-based urban tree inventory. This was done by (1) collecting and analyzing data for Tinker Air Force Base (AFB), and (2) collecting and evaluating data for the Virginia Tech campus tree inventory. The urban tree inventory at Tinker AFB was estimated using remote sensing techniques that included the use of the eCognition 3.0 software. Inventory data was collected using a handheld computer and transferred to a desktop for data backup and analysis. Data was evaluated for urban forest structure and composition. The data collected for Tinker AFB was additionally analyzed for potential runway obstacles. CITYgreen software was used to determine tree canopy coverage and i-Tree STRATUM was used to compare against CITYgreen. Both CITYgreen and i-Tree are very useful tools for urban foresters, the purpose of the inventory should direct which software is utilized. An urban tree inventory provides a baseline to work from, facilitates management decisions, and provides a basis for future evaluation.



Urban tree inventory, GIS, i-Tree, CITYgreen


Otey, J. (2007). GIS applications in urban tree inventory. Unpublished master's thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.