Defending Real-Time Systems through Timing-Aware Designs
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Real-time computing systems are those that are designed to achieve computing goals by certain deadlines. Real-time computing systems are present in everything from cars to airplanes, pacemakers to industrial-control systems, and other pieces of critical infrastructure. With the increasing interconnectivity of these systems, system security issues and the constant threat of manipulation by malicious external attackers that have plagued general computing systems, now threaten the integrity and safety of real-time systems. This dissertation discusses three different defense techniques that focuses on the role that real-time scheduling theory can play to reduce runtime cost, and guarantee correctness when applying these defense strategies to real-time systems. The first work introduces a novel timing aware defense strategy for the CAN bus that utilizes TrustZone on state-of-the-art ARMv8-M microcontrollers. The second reduces the runtime cost of control-flow integrity (CFI), a popular system security defense technique, by correctly modeling when a real-time system performs I/O, and exploiting the model to schedule CFI procedures efficiently. Finally, the third studies and provides a lightweight mitigation strategy for a recently discovered vulnerability within mixed criticality real-time systems.