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- 2014 Commercial Vegetable Production RecommendationsReiter, Mark S.; Rideout, Steven L.; Kuhar, Thomas P.; Wilson, Henry P.; Parkhurst, James A.; Straw, Allen; Samtani, Jayesh B.; Gu, Ganyu; Mullins, Chris; Hines, Thomas E.; Waldenmaier, Christine M.; Doughty, Hélène; Mason, John E.; Freeman, Josh H. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2014-02-19)New varieties and strains of vegetables are constantly being developed throughout the world and it is impossible to list and describe all of them, only those that are available and are adapted to the mid-Atlantic region are listed in this publication. The ultimate value of a variety for a particular purpose is determined by the grower: performance under his or her management adaptation to specific environmental conditions, and having desired horticultural characteristics.
- Biology and Control of Eastern Black Nightshade, Palmer Amaranth, and Common Pokeweed, in No-Till Systems on the Eastern Shore Regions of Virginia and MarylandVollmer, Kurt Matthew (Virginia Tech, 2014-12-05)Eastern black nightshade, Palmer amaranth, and common pokeweed are three hard to control weed species on the Eastern Shore regions of Virginia and Maryland. Herbicide resistance and lack of herbicide efficacy further complicate the job of controlling these weeds. Studies were conducted on each of these weeds in order to determine herbicide efficacy and potential herbicide resistance. In addition, the translocation and metabolism of 14C-glyphosate was studied in common pokeweed. This research identified a population of eastern black nightshade that was differentially sensitive to families of ALS-inhibiting herbicides, with tolerance to members of the sulfonylurea family, but controlled with herbicides of the imidazolinone family. A population of Palmer amaranth was found to be glyphosate-resistant, but herbicide programs were identified that could control this biotype in soybean and corn systems. Experiments on the fate of glyphosate in common pokeweed indicated that glyphosate does not readily translocate from treated foliage to other plant parts, which may contribute to shoot regeneration from taproots following glyphosate treatment. Taken together, this research highlights the important weed control issues, including resistant and perennial weeds in agronomic crops that have arisen in Eastern Shore agriculture. This work will help growers to better assess their particular control issues, and take appropriate steps to mitigate any problems.
- Characterization of Acetolactate Synthase-Inhibiting Herbicide-Resistant Smooth Pigweed and Corn Weed Management Programs Utilizing Mesotrione in Combinations with Other HerbicidesWhaley, Cory Miller (Virginia Tech, 2005-03-01)Repeated use of acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides in recent years has resulted in the selection of 89 weed species resistant to these herbicides. One management strategy that can eliminate or slow the development of resistance is applying mixtures of herbicides with different modes of action. This research involved the characterization of ALS-inhibiting herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.), as well as investigations on weed management programs in corn (Zea mays L.) utilizing mesotrione, a triketone, in mixtures with other herbicides. ALS-inhibiting herbicide-resistant smooth pigweed biotypes were collected from fields in Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania to evaluate response to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and to determine the molecular mechanisms of resistance. Sequencing of the ALS genes from these biotypes revealed two amino acid substitutions known to confer resistance, Ala122 to Thr and Ser653 to Asn, and one that has not been previously reported in plants, Asp376 to Glu. The smooth pigweed biotype with an Asp376 substitution displayed resistance to four classes of ALS-inhibiting herbicides that included imidazolinone (IMI), sulfonylurea (SU), pyrimidinylthiobenzoate (PTB), and triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide (TP) chemistries. Transformation of this smooth pigweed ALS gene into Arabidopsis thaliana confirmed that the Asp376 substitution is responsible for the resistance. Other biotypes that had a substitution at Ala122 exhibited resistance to an IMI herbicide, little to no resistance to SU herbicides, and increased sensitivity to a PTB and a TP herbicide, whereas, biotypes that had a substitution at Ser653 exhibited high-level resistance to an IMI herbicide and lower resistance to PTB and SU herbicides. Experiments were also conducted to investigate the effectiveness of mesotrione in preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) corn weed management programs in Virginia. Mesotrione applied PRE in mixtures with S-metolachlor and atrazine controlled common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), smooth pigweed, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), and morningglory (Ipomoea spp.) species when a timely rainfall followed application. POST applications of mesotrione controlled common lambsquarters and smooth pigweed, but common ragweed and morningglory species were not always controlled. Common ragweed and morningglory species were controlled by mesotrione in a mixture with atrazine POST. Large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.] and giant foxtail (Setaria faberi Herrm.) control was generally better when the ALS-inhibiting herbicides nicosulfuron plus rimsulfuron or rimsulfuron plus thifensulfuron plus atrazine were applied in a mixture with mesotrione. Mixtures of mesotrione with other POST herbicides in a total POST program produced corn yields comparable to standard PRE followed by POST weed management programs.
- Control, Assessment and Glyphosate Resistance of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats) in VirginiaAhmed, Amro Mohamed Aly Tawfic (Virginia Tech, 2011-08-08)Glyphosate resistant crops were rapidly adopted by farmers since their introduction in 1996 and currently, greater than 90% of cotton and soybean crops are glyphosate resistant. Glyphosate has been an effective mean for controlling Palmer amaranth, however overreliance on glyphosate based systems resulted in weeds that can no longer be controlled with glyphosate. Palmer amaranth resistance to glyphosate has been confirmed in ten US states including Virginia's bordering neighbor North Carolina. The objectives of this study were to i) determine the spread of Palmer amaranth and evaluate awareness among farmers and agribusinesses of herbicide resistant weeds in Virginia; ii) determine the efficacy of commonly used cotton and soybean herbicides programs for Palmer amaranth control; and iii) conduct greenhouse experiments to quantify the level of glyphosate resistance in a Greensville County, Virginia population. Using a communication network of Virginia county extension agents and crop advisers, Palmer amaranth was found in 15 Virginia counties. A survey was conducted to evaluate awareness of herbicide resistance and management of weeds in Virginia. Ninety percent of producers had fields planted to Roundup Ready® crops for each of the last 3 years. One hundred percent of the responders claimed awareness of the potential for weeds to develop resistance to glyphosate, but when asked about how serious they consider weed resistance to herbicides, the responders average rating was of 7.9 (on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "not at all serious" and 10 is "very serious" ). Eighteen percent of the responder population claimed no awareness of glyphosate resistant weeds documented in Virginia. Herbicide efficacy experiments were established in soybean and cotton fields infested with Palmer amaranth. In soybean, experiments were established in a field where Palmer amaranth was not adequately controlled with glyphosate in the previous year. Glyphosate applied at 0.87 + 0.87 + 1.74 kg ae ha⁻¹ at 1, 3, and 5 weeks after planting (WAP) provided 82 to 85% control in 2009, but only 23 to 30% control in 2010, a hot and dry year. Glyphosate applied after preemergence (PRE) herbicides improved control to 90 percent. Programs that included s-metolachlor + metribuzin applied preemergence and followed by glyphosate + fomesafen applied postemergence provided the best control (93%) at 8 WAP. Glufosinate based herbicide programs provided greater than 85% control when applied alone, and control increased to 95% when preceded by PRE herbicides. Many conventional control systems integrating different modes of action provided more than 80% control at final evaluation of Palmer amaranth in 2009 and 2010. In soybean, the most consistent and effective program was flumioxazin applied PRE followed by chlorimuron + thifensulfuron, which provided 99 and 82% control at final evaluation in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Cotton fields were heavily infested with Palmer amaranth, but control with glyphosate had historically been good. Glyphosate applied early postemergence, late postemergence, and late post-directed provided more than 95 percent control at final evaluation of Palmer amaranth. Preemergence applications of fomesafen, fluometuron, or pendimethalin + fomesafen provided 77 to 99 percent early-season control and control was complete with an additional postemergence glyphosate application. Glufosinate applied at 0.45 kg ha⁻¹ at 1 and 3 WAP or applied at 0.45 kg ha⁻¹ following a preemergence herbicide provided greater than 95% control. Greenhouse experiments confirmed Palmer amaranth resistance in a population collected from Greensville County, Virginia. In the first experiment, the resistant biotype's I₅₀ value (rate necessary for 50% inhibition) for dry weight was 1.47 kg ae ha⁻¹, which is 4.6 times greater than the susceptible biotype and 1.7 times the recommended use rate of glyphosate. For fresh weight, the I₅₀ value of the resistant biotype was 1.60 kg ae ha⁻¹, 4.7 times that of the susceptible biotype of 0.34 kg ae ha⁻¹. In the second experiment, the I₅₀ value for the susceptible population could not be determined because all glyphosate rates resulted in complete control. However, the resistant population required 1.01 and 1.30 kg ae ha⁻¹ of glyphosate to reduce the fresh and dry weight by 50%.
- Cotton Harvest Aid Selection and Application TimingFaircloth, Joel C.; Sanders, Jason; Wilson, Henry P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009)Discusses methods to determine when a cotton crop is ready for defoliation.
- Crop and herbicide rotation effects on weed population dynamics and the characterization of imidazolinone-resistant smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus)Manley, Brian S. (Virginia Tech, 1996)Shifts in weed populations to herbicide-resistant biotypes are occurring more frequently. In two adjacent field studies from 1991 through 1994, crop rotations and herbicide programs affected control and densities of common lambsquarters, common ragweed, smooth pigweed, redroot pigweed, jimsonweed, goosegrass, stinkgrass, large crabgrass, smooth crabgrass, fall panicum, and yellow nutsedge. Generally, the continuous use of the same herbicide or herbicides with similar selectivities resulted in proliferation of tolerant weed species. Corn, tomato, and soybean yields were affected mostly by crop rotations, rainfall, and weed control. Herbicide rotations or combinations must include herbicides that are efficacious on the target weed species to preclude weed shifts. Approximately 5 million smooth pigweed plants in Painter, VA were treated with imazethapyr or nicosulfuron from 1992 to 1994, and no ALS-inhibitor-resistant plants were identified. Smooth pigweed in Marion, MD and Oak Hall, VA, and livid amaranth in Warren County, NJ were reportedly escaping control from imazaquin or imazethapyr. In greenhouse studies, control of smooth pigweed from Marion and Oak Hall was 3 to 18% by 560 or 1120 g ai/ha imazaquin. Control of smooth pigweed from Painter was 81% by 70 g ai/ha imazethapyr. Control of livid amaranth from New Jersey was 8 to 15% by 560 g/ha imazethapyr. Field, greenhouse, and laboratory studies were conducted on Marion [resistant (R) biotype] and Painter [susceptible (S) biotype] smooth pigweed to characterize herbicide resistance in the R biotype. The R biotype was resistant at high levels to imazaquin and imazethapyr, and was cross-resistant at low levels to rmsulfuron and chlorimuron in the greenhouse. Both biotypes were equally susceptible to ASC-67040, CGA-152005, flumiclorac, halosulfuron, lactofen, metribuzin, nicosulfuron, pendimethalin, primisulfuron, pyrithiobac, and thifensulfuron in field or greenhouse studies. ALS enzyme assays confirmed target site-based resistance to imazaquin, imazethapyr, and rimsulfuron but not to chlorimuron in the R biotype. Metabolism of ¹⁴C-chlorimuron was more rapid in the R than in the S biotype which may explain the low level of whole plant resistance to chlorimuron in the R biotype. The occurrence of herbicide resistance and patterns of cross-resistance in weeds cannot be predicted.
- Defoliating Cotton under Adverse Conditions: Drought-stress, Cool Temperatures, and Rank GrowthSanders, Jason; Faircloth, Joel C.; Wilson, Henry P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009)Discusses use of defoliants as a harvest aid for cotton, what types of defoliants to choose in relation to drought, and cool temperatures, and leaf growth.
- Double-crop corn (zea mays) weed control in VirginiaKing, Steve Russell (Virginia Tech, 2000-04-25)Double-crop production of corn (Zea mays L.) for grain following the harvest of small grain is not currently practiced in Virginia. Historical precipitation and evapotransportation data indicate that delayed corn planting could result in a higher probability of moisture during critical periods of crop development. Double-crop corn may also reduce economic risk as two crops would be harvested in the same year. Field experiments were conducted in three Virginia locations in 1998 and 1999 to determine the herbicide inputs required for double-crop corn production relative to those required in full-season no-till corn production. Experiments were conducted in a split-plot, randomized complete block design with cropping system as the main plot and herbicide treatment as the subplot. Herbicide treatments included combinations of nonselective herbicides for no-till establishment and/or preemergence residual herbicides and/or selective postemergence herbicides in both production systems. Glyphosate-tolerant corn was planted in all experiments and postemergence glyphosate treatments were also evaluated. In each experiment, dependent variables included weed control by species evaluated throughout the season, as well as weed biomass and corn yield evaluated at the end of the growing season. Generally, nonselective herbicides were not required in the double-crop system where atrazine was applied as a preemergence treatment, or where selective postemergence treatments were applied. Where a significant proportion of the infestation was comprised of perennial species, however, atrazine treatments were not sufficient in the double-crop system. Postemergence glyphosate treatments provided excellent broad-spectrum weed control in this situation. In heavy annual grass infestations, postemergence glyphosate treatments provided superior weed control to preemergence treatments alone, and equivalent weed control to treatments in which both preemergence and postemergence herbicides were applied. Corn yield response to weed control and cropping system variables varied significantly between the 1998 and 1999 growing seasons. Where adequate late-season rainfall was received, economic return from small grain and corn crops in the double-crop system was higher than the return in the full-season system, particularly in infestations where the double-crop system allowed significant reduction in herbicide input.
- Effect of postemergence johnsongrass control on MCDV and MDMV incidence and severity in field cornEberwine, John Wright (Virginia Tech, 1996-04-05)In the summers of 1989 and 1990, researchers in Va. and Md. began to observe lateseason reductions in com vigor in areas treated with nicosulfuron or primisulfuron for postemergence johnsongrass control. Symptoms observed included chlorosis, reddening of the leaves and shortening of the internodes. The nature and time of symptom expression were consistent with those caused by maize chlorotic dwarfvirus (MCDV) and maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) infection of com. It was hypothesized that postemergence johnsongrass control increased the incidence and severity of MCDV and MDMV in virus-susceptible corn hybrids due to increased feeding by vectors of these viruses on treated corn. Field experiments were conducted in 1991 and 1992 to evaluate the effect of postemergence johnsongrass control with broad casted nicosulfuron, postemergence directed imazethapyr, mechanical control and no control on virus disease incidence and severity in a virus-susceptible ('Southern States 565') and a virus-tolerant ('Southern States 844) corn hybrid. Visual injury evaluations taken 10 weeks after treatment showed that the virus-susceptible com hybrid sustained significantly more injury, averaged across johnsongrass control methods, than did the virus-tolerant corn hybrid. Within the virus-susceptible com hybrid, where johnsongrass was controlled, regardless of method, significantly more injury was observed relative to the nontreated check. Further, averaged across johnsongrass control treatments, the virus-tolerant corn hybrid yielded significantly higher compared to the virus-susceptible com hybrid. Experiments conducted in 1993 and 1994 utilized cages as a means of preventing insect movement from the infected johnsongrass to the crop. Blackfaced leafhopper evaluations suggested that the cages significantly reduced leafhopper movement from the infected johnsongrass to the corn, however complete exclusion was not achieved. Results of corn tissue assays showed that MCDV and MDMV were being transmitted, however no treatment differences were detected. Two experiments were conducted in 1994 to analytically test the hypothesis and to determine the time course of MCDV and MDMV double infection of corn tissue. Johnsongrass control treatments evaluated included broadcast nicosulfuron and no treatment. Postemergence johnsongrass control increased MCDV and MDMV incidence 9 to 21 days after treatment. Further, significantly more double infections of MCDV and MDMV were observed 14 to 21 days after treatment in experimental units receiving the nicosulfuron application.
- Efficacy and selectivity of the herbicide rimsulfuron in potatoes [Solanum tuberosum], transplanted tomatoes [Lycopersicum esculentum], and transplanted peppers [Capsicum annum]Ackley, John A. (Virginia Tech, 1994-04-06)Rimsulfuron {N-[[ 4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinal)amino ]carbonyl]-3-( ethylsulfonyl)-2-pyridinesulfonamide} is a new sulfonylurea herbicide under development by E.I. Dupont de· Nemours & Company Inc. for preemergence and postemergence grass and broadleaf weed control in Solanaceous vegetable crops. The efficacy and selectivity of rimsulfuron were determined in potatoes, transplanted tomatoes, and transplanted peppers in field studies in 1991, 1992, and 1993. Treatments included rimsulfuron and metribuzin alone and in combination in potatoes and tomatoes, rimsulfuron alone in peppers, and sequential applications of rimsulfuron in tomatoes and peppers. Application timings included preemergence and postemergence in potatoes, while only post-transplant applications were evaluated in tomatoes and peppers. Preemergence applications of rimsulfuron controlled weeds if rainfall was received within a few days following application. Control was often greater in potatoes and tomatoes than in peppers. These differences likely relate to more frequent rainfall events in potatoes and tomatoes than in the later-planted peppers.
- Evaluation And Characterization of Herbicide Resistance In Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) Biotypes To Diclofop-methyl And Alternative Management OptionsMorozov, Ivan Vladimirovitch (Virginia Tech, 2004-03-29)Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a competitive weed in small grain production areas throughout the northwestern and southeastern US. In small grains, Italian ryegrass has generally been controlled with postemergence treatments of diclofop, or diclofop-methyl, a member of the subfamily of the aromatic carboxylic acid family, the aryloxyphenoxypropionates. The first incidence of diclofop resistance in Italian ryegrass was reported in Virginia in 1995. Experiments to characterize diclofop resistance in several Virginia biotypes of Italian ryegrass included the following objectives: (1) evaluation of the presence of diclofop resistance in several Italian ryegrass biotypes collected across Virginia, (2) evaluation of alternative herbicide efficacy for diclofop resistant Italian ryegrass control, and (3) characterization of the aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) resistance mechanism in resistant Italian ryegrass biotypes. The response of 32 biotypes to diclofop collected from various locations statewide with varying histories of diclofop applications confirmed diclofop resistance in Virginian Italian ryegrass populations. At 4-times the label-recommended application rate, only 50% of biotypes previously exposed to diclofop in a cropping situation were adequately controlled versus 94% of the biotypes not previously treated with diclofop. Tralkoxydim provided the most effective control of four of the biotypes. No postemergence treatment effectively controlled one biotype previously exposed to diclofop applications. Effective preemergence herbicide treatments for Italian ryegrass control in the greenhouse included acetochlor (two formulations) and flufenacet plus metribuzin. In the field, flufenacet plus metribuzin resulted in excellent Italian ryegrass control, little crop injury, and acceptable barley yields. Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) assays and herbicide absorption, translocation, and metabolism studies were conducted to investigate resistant mechanism(s) to two APP herbicides, diclofop and quizalofop. ACCase assays indicated no differences in enzyme activity between the two biotypes of Italian ryegrass evaluated. Furthermore, no significant differences in the specific activity of ACCase were detected between the two biotypes in the absence of diclofop. [14C]Quizalofop-P absorption, translocation, and metabolism did not differ between resistant and susceptible Italian ryegrass biotypes. Lack of a significant biotype effect suggests that differential metabolism does not explain the differential response to diclofop treatments observed in the herbicide dose-plant response experiment.
- Evaluation of Weed Control and Crop Tolerance With Postemergence Herbicides in Sethoxydim-Tolerant CornAshley, James Elton Jr. (Virginia Tech, 1998-04-27)Field experiments were conducted in 1995, 1996, and 1997 at six locations to evaluate strategies for the use of sethoxydim-tolerant hybrids in Virginia corn production. The specific objectives of this research were to evaluate the effect of graminicides including clethodim, fluazifop-P, quizalofop-P, and sethoxydim, and method of application, on crop tolerance and bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) control; to evaluate the effect of sethoxydim in combination with broadleaf herbicides on crop tolerance and bermudagrass control; to evaluate sethoxydim-based herbicide programs for annual grass and broadleaf weed control; and to determine the response of sethoxydim-tolerant corn hybrids to these graminicides in the absence of the competitive effects of weeds. All experiments were conducted using a randomized complete block design with four replications. Individual plots consisted of 4 corn rows 7.6 meters in length in which the two inner rows received treatment and the two outer rows served as borders. All applications were made with a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer delivering 210 L/ha of water at 220 kPa using flat fan spray tips. The dependent variables evaluated included crop response to herbicide treatments, weed control by species, and corn yield. All data were subjected to analysis of variance and appropriate mean separation techniques at the 0.05 significance level. Excellent bermudagrass control was obtained from postemergence broadcast or postemergence directed applications of sethoxydim, fluazifop-P, quizalofop-P, clethodim, and fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop. Broadcast applications of fluazifop-P and both broadcast and directed applications of clethodim caused significant crop injury, however. Combinations of sethoxydim with bentazon, bentazon plus atrazine, flumiclorac, and halosulfuron resulted in reduced bermudagrass control relative to that control afforded by sethoxydim alone. In experiments to evaluate control of annual species including smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), giant foxtail (Setaria faberi Herrm.), ivyleaf morningglory (Ipomoea hederaceae L. Jacq.), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.), large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis L. Scop.), and a perennial, yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.), excellent broad spectrum control was achieved with sethoxydim in combination with bentazon, bentazon plus atrazine, nicosulfuron, or primisulfuron. Crop tolerance to these treatments was excellent. In experiments to evaluate sethoxydim-tolerant hybrids and susceptibility to graminicides, no rate of sethoxydim caused significant injury to any hybrid tested. Tolerance of these hybrids to a 1X rate of quizalofop-P was also demonstrated, although 4X and 8X rates of fluazifop-P and quizalofop-P caused significant injury. Clethodim at all rates of application caused significant crop injury. Differential responses to graminicides among hybrids were noted.
- Field and laboratory investigations on the efficacy, selectivity, and action of the herbicide clomazoneVencill, William K. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988)Clomazone is a recently introduced herbicide for the selective control of grass and broadleaf weeds in soybeans. Field studies were conducted in full-season no-till soybeans to determine the efficacy of clomazone as a preplant and preemergence herbicide. Clomazone applied preemergence provided large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis L.) control equivalent to that of oryzalin applied preplant or preemergence and provided better control of several broadleaf weeds. Control from preplant applications of clomazone was not adequate. Preemergence and preplant incorporated applications of clomazone were compared in conventionally-tilled soybeans. Clomazone efficacy at two depths of incorporation was also investigated. Clomazone applied preemergence generally provided control of large crabgrass and several broadleaf weed species equivalent to preplant incorporated applications. The addition of imazaquin or chlorimuron plus linuron improved smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.) control over that provided by clomazone alone. These combinations generally did not improve large crabgrass, jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.), and common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) control over that of clomazone alone. Shallow incorporation (4 cm) of clomazone provided better weed control than deep incorporations (8 cm). Studies were conducted to evaluate efficacy and to quantify volatilization of three clomazone formulations (emulsifiable concentrate, wettable powder, and a microencapsulated formulation) following soil application. Samples were collected at the first, second, and tenth day after clomazone application. The three clomazone formulations provided control of large crabgrass. Clomazone volatilization was greatest 24 h after application from the emulsifiable concentrate and wettable powder formulations and declined at the second and tenth day after application. Volatilization from the microencapsulated formulation was lower than the other two formulations at all sampling times. Clomazone volatilization was greater from preemergence than preplant incorporated applications. Differential selectivity studies were initiated to determine the absorption, translocation, and metabolism of clomazone in tolerant soybean and smooth pigweed and susceptible redroot pigweed and livid amaranth exposed to foliar and root applied clomazone. Redroot pigweed and livid amaranth absorbed more clomazone through the roots than soybean and smooth pigweed. Absorption of foliar-applied clomazone was limited in all species. Of the clomazone absorbed in all species, most was translocated to the leaf tissue. Two metabolites of clomazone were found. One was determined to be a GS-clomazone conjugate. Differences in clomazone metabolism among species examined were not found. Growth and physiological responses of a normal hybrid ('DeKalb XL67'), a dwarf mutant, and an albino mutant of corn (Zea mays L.) to clomazone and interactions of gibberellin with clomazone on normal corn were examined. The dwarf mutant displayed greater tolerance to clomazone than normal corn. Growth measurements suggested that gibberellin was antagonistic with clomazone.
- Field, greenhouse, and laboratory evaluation of the efficacy and selectivity of the herbicide thifensulfuron for weed control in soybeans (Glycine max)Walker, Lewis Meriwether (Virginia Tech, 1991)Thifensulfuron is a new herbicide of the sulfonylurea class under development by E. I. Dupont de Nemours Company Inc. for postemergence broadleaf weed control in soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr]. Field studies evaluated the influence of adjuvants and chlorimuron upon the efficacy of thifensulfuron. Thifensulfuron applied alone provided smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L. #AMACH) control at application rates 12% of those of the similar herbicide chlorimuron. Nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate increased soybean sensitivity to thifensulfuron, but an adjuvant was required to obtain consistent seedling common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L. #CHEAL) control. Chlorimuron and thifensulfuron combinations did not control ivyleaf morningglory [Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. #IPOHE]. Greenhouse studies evaluated soybean cultivar sensitivity to thifensulfuron. Seven popular Virginia soybean varieties and one national variety (Williams 82) were screened for tolerance to thifensulfuron. Differences in varietal sensitivity was verified. Soybean varieties Vance, Essex, Hutcheson, and York proved to be more sensitive to 9.1 g ha⁻¹ thifensulfuron than FFR 561, Williams 82, or Deltapine 105. No relationship between sensitivity to thifensulfuron and Essex parentage could be drawn. The selectivity of the sulfonylurea class of herbicides is reportedly based on differential metabolism of the herbicide between sensitive and tolerant weed and crop species. Laboratory studies were conducted utilizing thifensulfuron-sensitive and tolerant weed species, velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medic. #ABUTH) and spurred anoda [Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht #ANVCR], respectively, as well as the relatively tolerant Williams 82 and sensitive Vance soybean. Absorption and distribution studies indicated that all species absorbed and translocated similar amounts of ¹⁴C 1, 3, and 5 days after application of the methyl ester of [¹⁴C-thiophene] thifensulfuron. Metabolism studies indicated that both tolerant spurred anoda and sensitive velvetleaf metabolized thifensulfuron at similar rates 3 days after treatment. Metabolism appears to be the major mechanism for the selectivity of thifensulfuron to soybeans. The mechanism for spurred anoda tolerance to thifensulfuron has yet to be determined. This research indicates that broadcast foliar applications of 4.5 g ha⁻¹ thifensulfuron with 0.125% v/v nonionic surfactant or 1% v/v crop oil concentrate can provide selective postemergence smooth pigweed and common lambsquarters control for soybean production in Virginia. Caution should, however, be taken in prescribing greater than 4.5 g ha⁻¹ thifensulfuron due to the variability in cultivar sensitivity to thifensulfuron.
- Field, greenhouse, and laboratory studies on the efficacy and action of the herbicides SC-0051 and SC-0774Mayonado, David James (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988)SC-0051 and SC-0774 are two experimental herbicides of undisclosed chemistry. A three year field study was conducted to evaluate SC-0051 and SC-0774 for weed control in conventional and no-till corn in Virginia. SC-0051 applied preemergence or postemergence, controlled common lambs-quarters (Chenopodium album L.), common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) horseweed (Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.), common chickweed (Stellaria media (L.) Vill. and was safe to corn. SC-0051 did not control smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.) or giant foxtail (Setaria faberi Herrm.). SC-0774 effectively controlled the rye (Secale cereale) cover crop and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis (L. Scop.) but did not control broadleaf weeds or giant foxtail. SC-0774 also caused considerable but temporary corn injury when applied at rates above 1.1 kg/ha. Combinations of SC-0051 and atrazine provided broad spectrum weed control and yields comparable to atrazine plus metolachlor. Field and laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of soil pH on the soil mobility of SC-0051 and SC-0774 in sandy loam soils. SC-0774 was applied to soils amended to high and low pH and samples were collected by depth throughout the growing season. A method was developed for extracting and quantifying SC-0774 from collected soil samples. Large crabgrass was also used as a bioindicator species for qualitative detection of SC-0774 residues. These studies showed that SC-0774 was significantly more mobile in high pH soil than in low pH soil. Also, the decreased mobility of SC-0774 at low soil pH lead to decreased corn injury but it increased the soil residual activity of this herbicide. Soil column studies with SC-0774 and SC-0051 showed that the soil mobility of both herbicides increased with increasing soil pH. These herbicides cause reductions in chlorophyll and carotenoid levels in susceptible species resulting in a bleached appearance. The mechanism of this bleaching action is not known. Studies were conducted which examined the effect of SC-0051 on the pigment content and quantity in the susceptible species soybean. High performance liquid chromatography was used to separate, quantify, and identify pigments present in extracts of bleached tissues. The bleaching herbicide norflurazon was also examined for comparison purposes. SC-0051 and norflurazon inhibited the biosynthesis of carotenoids while causing an accumulation of the carotene precursor phytoene and an additional, unidentified pigment that appears to be structurally related to phytoene. This indicates that SC-0051, like norflurazon, inhibits carotenoid formation by blocking the desaturation of phytoene to phytofluene. The uptake and translocation of ¹⁴C-SC-0051 into tolerant corn and susceptible soybean seedlings was examined under growth chamber conditions to investigate the basis for the selectivity of this herbicide. Herbicide uptake was similar in both species but the susceptible soybean translocated a higher percentage of the ¹⁴C-SC-0051 to the growing point of new tissues than did the tolerant corn. It is proposed that differential translocation plays a role in the crop selectivity of the herbicide SC-0051.
- Fine Tuning a Sprayer with "Ounce" Calibration MethodGrisso, Robert D.; Weaver, Michael John; Bradley, Kevin Wayne; Hagood, Edward S.; Wilson, Henry P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2009-05-01)Guidelines to quickly evaluate the performance of a sprayer. Sprayer calibration, nozzle discharge, spray pattern uniformity, speed checks, pump performance and plumbing arrangements are evaluated with minimal calculations.
- Fine tuning a sprayer with ounce calibration methodGrisso, Robert D.; Weaver, Michael John; Bradley, Kevin Wayne; Hagood, Edward S.; Wilson, Henry P. (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2001)This extension publication discusses guidelines to quickly evaluate the performance of a sprayer. Sprayer calibration, nozzle discharge, spray pattern uniformity, speed checks, pump performance and plumbing arrangements are evaluated with minimal calculations.
- Growth Analyses and Patterns of Cross-Resistance in Four Imidazolinone-Resistant Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus) PopulationsPoston, Daniel Hasford (Virginia Tech, 1999-09-28)Studies were conducted in 1996 through 1999 to: (1) evaluate the responses of one imidazolinone (IMI)-susceptible (S) and four -resistant (R1, R2, R3, and R4) smooth pigweed populations to various acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides, (2) determine the mechanism of resistance, and (3) evaluate the relative growth and competitiveness of each population. Field studies were conducted in 1996 near Marion, MD, in a field with a history of repeated imazaquin use. Smooth pigweed control with IMI herbicides was < 8 percent, but control with sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides ranged from 73 to 99 percent. Follow-up greenhouse studies were used to confirm IMI resistance in the Marion, MD smooth pigweed population (R4) as well as three others (R1, R2, and R3). R populations were 730- to 1350-fold more tolerant to imazethapyr than the S population. Based on resistance ratios, all R populations displayed low-level cross-resistance to chlorimuron and negative cross-resistance to thifensulfuron, pyrithiobac, and cloransulam-methyl with R2 being the most sensitive of the R populations to pyrithiobac and cloransulam-methyl. Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of ¹⁴C-cloransulam-methyl in S and R2 populations were generally similar. Three metabolites of cloransulam-methyl with ratio of front (Rf) values approximately 0.83, 0.65, and 0.45 were isolated. The metabolite with a 0.83 Rf value increased over time as the parent molecule decreased indicating that it plays a major role in cloransulam-methyl metabolism in smooth pigweed. The other metabolites did not change significantly over time and never represented more than 5 percent of the extracted radioactivity. The identity of these metabolites has not been determined. Using enzyme assays, it was determined that IMI resistance in R populations was due to an altered ALS that was no longer susceptible to inhibition by these herbicides. ALS from S, R1, and R2 populations responded similarly to chlorimuron and thifensulfuron, but reductions in enzyme activity by chlorimuron and thifensulfuron were significantly greater for R3 ALS than for S, R1 or R2 ALS. ALS from R2 and R3 was significantly more sensitive to inhibition by pyrithiobac compared to S ALS. Based on resistance ratios, R2 and R3 ALS were also more sensitive to inhibition by cloransulam-methyl than S ALS. Negative cross-resistance to thifensulfuron, pyrithiobac, and cloransulam-methyl in some R populations at the whole-plant level can be explained by increased sensitivity at the enzyme level. Under noncompetitive conditions in the greenhouse, S produced 17, 23, 25, and 44 percent more biomass than R1, R2, R3, and R4 populations, respectively. S plants were also taller than R plants 17 and 21 d after planting (DAP) and displayed a faster initial rate of leaf area increase compared to all R populations. The net assimilation rate of S was significantly higher than R2 and R3 populations 24 DAP. R3 and R4 populations had significantly less chlorophyll per g of plant tissue compared to S; therefore, reduced growth in some R populations compared to S may be linked to chlorosis that generally appears early in seedling development. Biomass production in the field under competitive conditions was similar for all populations using both monoculture and mixed populations. For this reason, the differences in growth observed in the greenhouse in the S population may not confer a competitive advantage over R populations in the field.
- Herbicide combinations for establishing no-till soybeans (Glycine max) with an emphasis on the use of chlorimuronMoseley, Carroll (Virginia Tech, 1990)In full-season-soybean weed management experiments, the addition of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine], paraquat (1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium ion), or HOE-0661 [ammonium (3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)methylphosphinate] to chlorimuron [2-[[[[(4-chloro-6-methoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino] carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl] benzoic acid] plus linuron [N'- (3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-methoxy-N-methyl urea] was required for effective weed control, especially of eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum Dun.). In double-crop experiments over 4 years including 10 experimental sites and 8 different weeds, chlorimuron plus linuron provided good control of vegetation at planting and residual weed control without glyphosate, paraquat, or HOE-0661. Cyanazine [2-[[4-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazin- 2-yl]amino]-2-methylpropanenitrile] and 2,4-D [(2,4- dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid] were the most effective herbicides for horseweed (Conyza canadensis (L.)Cronq.) control prior to establishing full-season no-till soybeans (Glycine max (L.)Merr.). In greenhouse experiments, emergence of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seedlings was severely inhibited by all chlorimuron-containing treatments and by the highest rates of imazaquin [2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid]. Growth of tobacco transplanted into a treated potting mixture was severely reduced by all rates of chlorimuron-containing herbicides, and to a lesser extent by imazaquin. Postemergence applications of chlorimuron alone or imazaquin did not significantly affect tobacco growth. In the greenhouse, 'Vance' and 'Forrest' soybean varieties were more sensitive to chlorimuron than were 'W-20' (a sulfonylurea-resistant variety), 'Essex', or 'Hutcheson'. Herbicide injury increased with increasing soil pH. Under simulated rainfall conditions, chlorimuron movement in soil increased with increasing pH and rainfall. Soybean injury may be more directly related to chlorimuron in the soil water solution than to the amount of chlorimuron present in the soil profile. Laboratory experiments indicated that tolerance of pitted (Ipomoea lacunosa L.) and entire leaf (Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula Gray) morningglories to chlorimuron may be due to reduced herbicide uptake. Sensitivity of 'Vance' soybeans may be associated with the inability to rapidly metabolize chlorimuron herbicide.
- Herbicide-based Weed Management Systems for Potato (Solanum tuberosum) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Growth and Reproductive Characteristics of Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus)Bailey, William Anthony (Virginia Tech, 2002-08-09)Integrated weed management involves the utilization of weed biology principles to develop effective and economical control strategies. This research involved investigations of herbicide-based weed management programs in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as well as investigations of the biological characteristics of smooth pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus), a troublesome species in many crops. Sulfentrazone is an herbicide registered for use in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) that may also have potential for use in potato. In field experiments, potato tolerance to preemergence (PRE) applications of sulfentrazone at rates up to 0.21 kg/ha was similar to that from the registered herbicides metribuzin, metolachlor, or metribuzin plus metolachlor PRE. Potato generally did not tolerate sulfentrazone applications to foliage. Sulfentrazone effectively controlled common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) at rates as low as 0.11 kg/ha and also controlled several annual grasses at higher application rates, but was slightly less effective on jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) and ineffective on common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.). Potato tuber yield and grade from sulfentrazone PRE applications was similar to yield of potato treated with registered herbicides. Laboratory research was also conducted to determine the mechanism of sulfentrazone selectivity between potato (a tolerant species), common lambsquarters (a sensitive species), and jimsonweed (an intermediate species). After 48 h root exposure to [14C] sulfentrazone, absorption by common lambsquarters was nearly two-fold that of jimsonweed and three-fold that of potato. Both weed species also exhibited nearly a two-fold increase in sulfentrazone translocation from roots to shoots compared to potato. Since the site of action of sulfentrazone, protoporphyrinogen oxidase, is located in shoot tissue, translocation to shoots is essential for sulfentrazone toxicity. Therefore, the proposed primary mechanisms of selectivity between these species are differential root absorption and differential translocation. Experiments were also conducted to investigate the potential of the experimental herbicide AE F130060 03 for Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) control in winter wheat. In laboratory research, foliar absorption of AE F130060 03 in Italian ryegrass was at least three times that in wheat. Additionally, herbicide metabolism was greater in wheat, particularly in wheat treated with the herbicide safener AE F107892. In field experiments, AE F130060 03 was as effective as diclofop-methyl for control of diclofop-sensitive Italian ryegrass and more effective than diclofop-methyl and all other herbicides tested for control of diclofop-resistant Italian ryegrass. Although wheat injury from AE F130060 03 was greater than from other herbicides, wheat recovered and yields were not affected. Postemergence AE F130060 03 applications controlled Italian ryegrass from emergence until the end of tillering, but applications made to four- to five-tiller Italian ryegrass resulted in the least amount of new Italian ryegrass emergence following application. To further define the utility of AE F130060 03 in winter wheat, ten wheat cultivars adapted to Virginia were evaluated for tolerance to AE F130060 03. Biomass production between cultivars was not influenced by AE F130060 03 application in the greenhouse, although slight yield decreases due to herbicide application were found in FFR 518, Coker 9663, AgriPro Patton, and VA98W593 under weed-free conditions in the field. Greenhouse, growth chamber, and field experiments were also conducted to investigate growth and seed production of one imidazolinone-susceptible (S) and five -resistant (R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5) smooth pigweed biotypes. Although the S biotype produced more total biomass than four of the five R biotypes, R4 displayed a more rapid growth rate at 3 to 5 wk after planting and a faster germination rate than S and all other R biotypes. Seed production in R4 was similar to S and greater than in all other R biotypes. Early rapid growth in R4 did not translate into increased biomass accumulation compared to S at the conclusion of the experiments.
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