Journal Articles, BioMed Central and SpringerOpen
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- Bayesian QTL mapping using skewed Student-tdistributionsvon Rohr, Peter; Hoeschele, Ina (2002-01-15)In most QTL mapping studies, phenotypes are assumed to follow normal distributions. Deviations from this assumption may lead to detection of false positive QTL. To improve the robustness of Bayesian QTL mapping methods, the normal distribution for residuals is replaced with a skewed Student-t distribution. The latter distribution is able to account for both heavy tails and skewness, and both components are each controlled by a single parameter. The Bayesian QTL mapping method using a skewed Student-t distribution is evaluated with simulated data sets under five different scenarios of residual error distributions and QTL effects.
- Optimization of Color Conversion for Face RecognitionJones, Creed F. III; Abbott, A. Lynn (2004-04-21)This paper concerns the conversion of color images to monochromatic form for the purpose of human face recognition. Many face recognition systems operate using monochromatic information alone even when color images are available. In such cases, simple color transformations are commonly used that are not optimal for the face recognition task. We present a framework for selecting the transformation from face imagery using one of three methods: Karhunen-Loève analysis, linear regression of color distribution, and a genetic algorithm. Experimental results are presented for both the well-known eigenface method and for extraction of Gabor-based face features to demonstrate the potential for improved overall system performance. Using a database of 280 images, our experiments using these methods resulted in performance improvements of approximately 4% to 14%.
- EditorialBourlard, Hervé; Pitas, Ioannis; Lam, Kenneth Kin-Man; Wang, Yue (2004-04-21)
- Calcineurin activation influences muscle phenotype in a muscle-specific fashionTalmadge, Robert J.; Otis, Jeffrey S.; Rittler, Matthew R.; Garcia, Nicole D.; Spencer, Shelly R.; Lees, Simon J.; Naya, Francisco J. (2004-07-28)Background The calcium activated protein phosphatase 2B, also known as calcineurin, has been implicated as a cell signaling molecule involved with transduction of physiological signals (free cytosolic Ca2+) into molecular signals that influence the expression of phenotype-specific genes in skeletal muscle. In the present study we address the role of calcineurin in mediating adaptations in myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression and muscle mass using 3-month old wild-type (WT) and transgenic mice displaying high-level expression of a constitutively active form of calcineurin (MCK-CN* mice). Results Slow muscles, e.g., soleus, were significantly larger (by ~24%), whereas fast muscles, e.g., medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior were significantly smaller (by ~26 and ~16%, respectively) in MCK-CN* mice compared to WT. The masses of mixed phenotype muscles, such as the plantaris and the extensor digitorum longus, were not significantly changed from WT. The soleus, plantaris, MG and diaphragm displayed shifts toward slower MHC isoforms, e.g., soleus from WT mice contained ~52% MHC-I, ~39% MHC-IIa, and ~9% MHC-IIx, whereas MCK-CN* mice had ~67% MHC-I, ~26% MHC-IIa, and ~7% MHC-IIx. The specific isoforms that were either up or down-regulated were muscle-specific. For instance, the proportion of MHC-IIa was decreased in the soleus and diaphragm, but increased in the plantaris and MG of MCK-CN* mice. Also, the proportion of MHC-IIx was unchanged in the soleus, decreased in the diaphragm and increased in the plantaris and MG of MCK-CN* relative to WT mice. Fast to slow shifts in fiber type proportions were evident for the plantaris, but not the soleus. Fast, but not slow, plantaris fibers of MCK-CN* mice had higher oxidative and lower glycolytic properties than WT. Conclusion These data suggest that calcineurin activation can influence muscle phenotype and that the specific influence of calcineurin activation on the phenotypic and mass characteristics of a muscle is dependent upon the original phenotypic state of the muscle.
- The Catchment Feature Model: A Device for Multimodal Fusion and a Bridge between Signal and SenseQuek, Francis (2004-09-18)The catchment feature model addresses two questions in the field of multimodal interaction: how we bridge video and audio processing with the realities of human multimodal communication, and how information from the different modes may be fused. We argue from a detailed literature review that gestural research has clustered around manipulative and semaphoric use of the hands, motivate the catchment feature model psycholinguistic research, and present the model. In contrast to “whole gesture” recognition, the catchment feature model applies a feature decomposition approach that facilitates cross-modal fusion at the level of discourse planning and conceptualization. We present our experimental framework for catchment feature-based research, cite three concrete examples of catchment features, and propose new directions of multimodal research based on the model.
- Review of, "Biostatistics and Epidemiology" by S. Wassertheil-SmollerSchneck, Daniel J. (2004-10-19)The entire book review is in the form of an abstract ... some 400 words or less.
- Secondary structure in the target as a confounding factor in synthetic oligomer microarray designRatushna, Vladyslava G.; Weller, Jennifer W.; Gibas, Cynthia J. (2005-03-08)Background Secondary structure in the target is a property not usually considered in software applications for design of optimal custom oligonucleotide probes. It is frequently assumed that eliminating self-complementarity, or screening for secondary structure in the probe, is sufficient to avoid interference with hybridization by stable secondary structures in the probe binding site. Prediction and thermodynamic analysis of secondary structure formation in a genome-wide set of transcripts from Brucella suis 1330 demonstrates that the properties of the target molecule have the potential to strongly influence the rate and extent of hybridization between transcript and tethered oligonucleotide probe in a microarray experiment. Results Despite the relatively high hybridization temperatures and 1M monovalent salt imposed in the modeling process to approximate hybridization conditions used in the laboratory, we find that parts of the target molecules are likely to be inaccessible to intermolecular hybridization due to the formation of stable intramolecular secondary structure. For example, at 65°C, 28 ± 7% of the average cDNA target sequence is predicted to be inaccessible to hybridization. We also analyzed the specific binding sites of a set of 70mer probes previously designed for Brucella using a freely available oligo design software package. 21 ± 13% of the nucleotides in each probe binding site are within a double-stranded structure in over half of the folds predicted for the cDNA target at 65°C. The intramolecular structures formed are more stable and extensive when an RNA target is modeled rather than cDNA. When random shearing of the target is modeled for fragments of 200, 100 and 50 nt, an overall destabilization of secondary structure is predicted, but shearing does not eliminate secondary structure. Conclusion Secondary structure in the target is pervasive, and a significant fraction of the target is found in double stranded conformations even at high temperature. Stable structure in the target has the potential to interfere with hybridization and should be a factor in interpretation of microarray results, as well as an explicit criterion in array design. Inclusion of this property in an oligonucleotide design procedure would change the definition of an optimal oligonucleotide significantly.
- Comparison of standard exponential and linear techniques to amplify small cDNA samples for microarraysWadenbäck, Johan; Clapham, David H.; Craig, Deborah; Sederoff, Ronald; Peter, Gary F.; von Arnold, Sara; Egertsdotter, Ulrika (2005-05-04)Background The need to perform microarray experiments with small amounts of tissue has led to the development of several protocols for amplifying the target transcripts. The use of different amplification protocols could affect the comparability of microarray experiments. Results Here we compare expression data from Pinus taeda cDNA microarrays using transcripts amplified either exponentially by PCR or linearly by T7 transcription. The amplified transcripts vary significantly in estimated length, GC content and expression depending on amplification technique. Amplification by T7 RNA polymerase gives transcripts with a greater range of lengths, greater estimated mean length, and greater variation of expression levels, but lower average GC content, than those from PCR amplification. For genes with significantly higher expression after T7 transcription than after PCR, the transcripts were 27% longer and had about 2 percentage units lower GC content. The correlation of expression intensities between technical repeats was high for both methods (R2 = 0.98) whereas the correlation of expression intensities using the different methods was considerably lower (R2 = 0.52). Correlation of expression intensities between amplified and unamplified transcripts were intermediate (R2 = 0.68-0.77). Conclusion Amplification with T7 transcription better reflects the variation of the unamplified transcriptome than PCR based methods owing to the better representation of long transcripts. If transcripts of particular interest are known to have high GC content and are of limited length, however, PCR-based methods may be preferable.
- Mitochondrial-encoded membrane protein transcripts are pyrimidine-rich while soluble protein transcripts and ribosomal RNA are purine-richBradshaw, Patrick C.; Rathi, Anand; Samuels, David C. (2005-09-26)Background Eukaryotic organisms contain mitochondria, organelles capable of producing large amounts of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. Each cell contains many mitochondria with many copies of mitochondrial DNA in each organelle. The mitochondrial DNA encodes a small but functionally critical portion of the oxidative phosphorylation machinery, a few other species-specific proteins, and the rRNA and tRNA used for the translation of these transcripts. Because the microenvironment of the mitochondrion is unique, mitochondrial genes may be subject to different selectional pressures than those affecting nuclear genes. Results From an analysis of the mitochondrial genomes of a wide range of eukaryotic species we show that there are three simple rules for the pyrimidine and purine abundances in mitochondrial DNA transcripts. Mitochondrial membrane protein transcripts are pyrimidine rich, rRNA transcripts are purine-rich and the soluble protein transcripts are purine-rich. The transitions between pyrimidine and purine-rich regions of the genomes are rapid and are easily visible on a pyrimidine-purine walk graph. These rules are followed, with few exceptions, independent of which strand encodes the gene. Despite the robustness of these rules across a diverse set of species, the magnitude of the differences between the pyrimidine and purine content is fairly small. Typically, the mitochondrial membrane protein transcripts have a pyrimidine richness of 56%, the rRNA transcripts are 55% purine, and the soluble protein transcripts are only 53% purine. Conclusion The pyrimidine richness of mitochondrial-encoded membrane protein transcripts is partly driven by U nucleotides in the second codon position in all species, which yields hydrophobic amino acids. The purine-richness of soluble protein transcripts is mainly driven by A nucleotides in the first codon position. The purine-richness of rRNA is also due to an abundance of A nucleotides. Possible mechanisms as to how these trends are maintained in mtDNA genomes of such diverse ancestry, size and variability of A-T richness are discussed.
- The distribution of SNPs in human gene regulatory regionsGuo, Yongjian; Jamison, D. Curtis (2005-10-06)Background As a result of high-throughput genotyping methods, millions of human genetic variants have been reported in recent years. To efficiently identify those with significant biological functions, a practical strategy is to concentrate on variants located in important sequence regions such as gene regulatory regions. Results Analysis of the most common type of variant, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), shows that in gene promoter regions more SNPs occur in close proximity to transcriptional start sites than in regions further upstream, and a disproportionate number of those SNPs represent nucleotide transversions. Additionally, the number of SNPs found in the predicted transcription factor binding sites is higher than in non-binding site sequences. Conclusion Current information about transcription factor binding site sequence patterns may not be exhaustive, and SNPs may be actively involved in influencing gene expression by affecting the transcription factor binding sites.
- Opportunities for detection and use of QTL influencing seasonal reproduction in sheep: a reviewNotter, David R.; Cockett, Noelle E. (2005-12-15)Genetic improvement in traits associated with seasonal breeding in sheep is challenging because these traits have low heritabilities, are generally not expressed until late in life, are commonly recorded only in females, and are expressed only in some lambing seasons and management systems. Detection of quantitative trait loci and their use in marker-assisted selection could therefore substantially enhance selection responses. A population of sheep with an extended breeding season was developed through selection for fertility in spring matings and provides opportunities for further study of candidate genes influencing seasonal breeding. In particular, the melatonin receptor 1a gene is polymorphic in many sheep breeds and appears to influence a number of seasonal reproductive responses. In addition, a variety of clock genes have been identified in laboratory mammals and shown to influence biological rhythms. Mutations in these clock genes have been identified and shown to influence circadian periodicities and reproductive patterns in golden hamster and mouse. In sheep, expression of clock genes in the suprachaismatic nucleus and pars tuberalis (PT) suggests that "calendar" cells in the ovine PT play a role in maintaining circannual rhythms. Thus the various clock genes represent potentially important candidate genes that may be involved in control of seasonal breeding.
- Cell adhesion of Shewanella oneidensis to iron oxide minerals: Effect of different single crystal facesNeal, Andrew L.; Bank, Tracy L.; Hochella, Michael F. Jr.; Rosso, Kevin M. (American Institute of Physics, 2005-12-30)The results of experiments designed to test the hypothesis that near-surface molecular structure of iron oxide minerals influences adhesion of dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria are presented. These experiments involved the measurement, using atomic force microscopy, of interaction forces generated between Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 cells and single crystal growth faces of iron oxide minerals. Significantly different adhesive force was measured between cells and the (001) face of hematite, and the (100) and (111) faces of magnetite. A role for electrostatic interactions is apparent. The trend in relative forces of adhesion generated at the mineral surfaces is in agreement with predicted ferric site densities published previously. These results suggest that near-surface structure does indeed influence initial cell attachment to iron oxide surfaces; whether this is mediated via specific cell surface-mineral surface interactions or by more general interfacial phenomena remains untested. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
- Comparison of assessment techniques: plasma lipid and lipoproteins related to the metabolic syndromeDavy, Brenda M.; Davy, Kevin P. (Biomed Central, 2006-01-31)Background The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of analytical method on reported concentrations of plasma lipids and lipoproteins, and to determine if there are clinical implications of any potential differences on identification of the metabolic syndrome dyslipidemia, CVD risk stratification and classification of LDL subclass phenotype. Results Plasma triglyceride (TG) concentrations were 1.09 ± 0.06 and 1.17 ± 0.06 mmol/L and plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations were 1.09 ± 0.03 vs 1.19 ± 0.03 mmol/L (both p < 0.05) from 113 duplicate samples sent to two laboratories utilizing different lipid and lipoprotein analytical methods (LABS 1 and 2, respectively). Plasma total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations were also significantly different between laboratories. Spearman rho correlations indicate excellent agreement of TG and HDL-C determined by the two laboratories (r = 0.96, TG; r = 0.91, HDL-C, both p < 0.001). Eleven vs. 14 individuals met the TG criteria and 70 vs. 48 met HDL-C metabolic syndrome criteria with LAB 1 and 2, respectively. Apoprotein B concentration (LAB 1) and LDL particle number (LAB 2) were highly correlated. (r = 0.92, P < 0.01). LAB 2 characterized more individuals as LDL pattern B phenotype, as compared to LAB 1 (30 vs. 14%, P < 0.05). Conclusion Different plasma lipid and lipoprotein analytical techniques yield results which are highly correlated, yet significantly different, which suggests a consistent measurement difference. This difference has clinical implications, in that the proportion of individuals identified as meeting the metabolic syndrome dyslipidemia criteria, "at risk" based upon apo B or LDL particle number, and the LDL pattern B phenotype will differ based upon choice of analytical method.
- Distinct patterns of SSR distribution in the Arabidopsis thaliana and rice genomesLawson, Mark J.; Zhang, Liqing (2006-02-21)Background Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in DNA have been traditionally thought of as functionally unimportant and have been studied mainly as genetic markers. A recent handful of studies have shown, however, that SSRs in different positions of a gene can play important roles in determining protein function, genetic development, and regulation of gene expression. We have performed a detailed comparative study of the distribution of SSRs in the sequenced genomes of Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. Results SSRs in different genic regions - 5'untranslated region (UTR), 3'UTR, exon, and intron - show distinct patterns of distribution both within and between the two genomes. Especially notable is the much higher density of SSRs in 5'UTRs compared to the other regions and a strong affinity towards trinucleotide repeats in these regions for both rice and Arabidopsis. On a genomic level, mononucleotide repeats are the most prevalent type of SSRs in Arabidopsis and trinucleotide repeats are the most prevalent type in rice. Both plants have the same most common mononucleotide (A/T) and dinucleotide (AT and AG) repeats, but have little in common for the other types of repeats. Conclusion Our work provides insight into the evolution and distribution of SSRs in the two sequenced model plant genomes of monocots and dicots. Our analyses reveal that the distributions of SSRs appear highly non-random and vary a great deal in different regions of the genes in the genomes.
- Molecular targets for rapid identification of BrucellasppRatushna, Vladyslava G.; Sturgill, David M.; Ramamoorthy, Sheela; Reichow, Sherry A.; He, Yongqun; Lathigra, Raju; Sriranganathan, Nammalwar; Halling, Shirley M.; Boyle, Stephen M.; Gibas, Cynthia J. (2006-02-22)Background Brucella is an intracellular pathogen capable of infecting animals and humans. There are six recognized species of Brucella that differ in their host preference. The genomes of the three Brucella species have been recently sequenced. Comparison of the three revealed over 98% sequence similarity at the protein level and enabled computational identification of common and differentiating genes. We validated these computational predictions and examined the expression patterns of the putative unique and differentiating genes, using genomic and reverse transcription PCR. We then screened a set of differentiating genes against classical Brucella biovars and showed the applicability of these regions in the design of diagnostic tests. Results We have identified and tested set of molecular targets that are associated in unique patterns with each of the sequenced Brucella spp. A comprehensive comparison was made among the published genome sequences of B. abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis. The comparison confirmed published differences between the three Brucella genomes, and identified subsets of features that were predicted to be of interest in a functional comparison of B. melitensis and B. suis to B. abortus. Differentiating sequence regions from B. abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis were used to develop PCR primers to test for the existence and in vitro transcription of these genes in these species. Only B. suis is found to have a significant number of unique genes, but combinations of genes and regions that exist in only two out of three genomes and are therefore useful for diagnostics were identified and confirmed. Conclusion Although not all of the differentiating genes identified were transcribed under steady state conditions, a group of genes sufficient to discriminate unambiguously between B. suis, B. melitensis, and B. abortus was identified. We present an overview of these genomic differences and the use of these features to discriminate among a number of Brucella biovars.
- The statistics of identifying differentially expressed genes in Expresso and TM4: a comparisonSioson, Allan A.; Mane, Shrinivasrao P.; Li, Pinghua; Sha, Wei; Heath, Lenwood S.; Bohnert, Hans J.; Grene, Ruth (2006-04-20)Background Analysis of DNA microarray data takes as input spot intensity measurements from scanner software and returns differential expression of genes between two conditions, together with a statistical significance assessment. This process typically consists of two steps: data normalization and identification of differentially expressed genes through statistical analysis. The Expresso microarray experiment management system implements these steps with a two-stage, log-linear ANOVA mixed model technique, tailored to individual experimental designs. The complement of tools in TM4, on the other hand, is based on a number of preset design choices that limit its flexibility. In the TM4 microarray analysis suite, normalization, filter, and analysis methods form an analysis pipeline. TM4 computes integrated intensity values (IIV) from the average intensities and spot pixel counts returned by the scanner software as input to its normalization steps. By contrast, Expresso can use either IIV data or median intensity values (MIV). Here, we compare Expresso and TM4 analysis of two experiments and assess the results against qRT-PCR data. Results The Expresso analysis using MIV data consistently identifies more genes as differentially expressed, when compared to Expresso analysis with IIV data. The typical TM4 normalization and filtering pipeline corrects systematic intensity-specific bias on a per microarray basis. Subsequent statistical analysis with Expresso or a TM4 t-test can effectively identify differentially expressed genes. The best agreement with qRT-PCR data is obtained through the use of Expresso analysis and MIV data. Conclusion The results of this research are of practical value to biologists who analyze microarray data sets. The TM4 normalization and filtering pipeline corrects microarray-specific systematic bias and complements the normalization stage in Expresso analysis. The results of Expresso using MIV data have the best agreement with qRT-PCR results. In one experiment, MIV is a better choice than IIV as input to data normalization and statistical analysis methods, as it yields as greater number of statistically significant differentially expressed genes; TM4 does not support the choice of MIV input data. Overall, the more flexible and extensive statistical models of Expresso achieve more accurate analytical results, when judged by the yardstick of qRT-PCR data, in the context of an experimental design of modest complexity.
- XcisClique: analysis of regulatory bicliquesPati, Amrita; Vasquez-Robinet, Cecilia; Heath, Lenwood S.; Grene, Ruth; Murali, T. M. (2006-04-21)Background Modeling of cis-elements or regulatory motifs in promoter (upstream) regions of genes is a challenging computational problem. In this work, set of regulatory motifs simultaneously present in the promoters of a set of genes is modeled as a biclique in a suitably defined bipartite graph. A biologically meaningful co-occurrence of multiple cis-elements in a gene promoter is assessed by the combined analysis of genomic and gene expression data. Greater statistical significance is associated with a set of genes that shares a common set of regulatory motifs, while simultaneously exhibiting highly correlated gene expression under given experimental conditions. Methods XcisClique, the system developed in this work, is a comprehensive infrastructure that associates annotated genome and gene expression data, models known cis-elements as regular expressions, identifies maximal bicliques in a bipartite gene-motif graph; and ranks bicliques based on their computed statistical significance. Significance is a function of the probability of occurrence of those motifs in a biclique (a hypergeometric distribution), and on the new sum of absolute values statistic (SAV) that uses Spearman correlations of gene expression vectors. SAV is a statistic well-suited for this purpose as described in the discussion. Results XcisClique identifies new motif and gene combinations that might indicate as yet unidentified involvement of sets of genes in biological functions and processes. It currently supports Arabidopsis thaliana and can be adapted to other organisms, assuming the existence of annotated genomic sequences, suitable gene expression data, and identified regulatory motifs. A subset of Xcis Clique functionalities, including the motif visualization component MotifSee, source code, and supplementary material are available at
- The p53-targeting human phosphatase hCdc14A interacts with the Cdk1/cyclin B complex and is differentially expressed in human cancersPaulsen, Michelle T.; Starks, Adrienne M.; Derheimer, Frederick A.; Hanasoge, Sheela; Li, Liwu; Dixon, Jack E.; Ljungman, Mats (2006-06-19)Background The evolutionary conserved cyclin-dependent kinase phosphatase hCdc14A has been shown to play potential roles in the regulation of mitotic exit and in the centrosome duplication cycle. We have recently shown that hCdc14A also can interact with the tumor suppressor p53 both in vitro and in vivo and specifically dephosphorylates the ser315 site of p53 in vitro. In this study we developed antibodies against hCdc14A to investigate the expression and regulation of hCdc14A in human tissues and cancer cells. Results We show that hCdc14A is differentially expressed in human tissues and in 75 cancer cell lines examined. Treatments with the histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA, the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytodine or the proteasome inhibitor MG132 significantly induced expression of hCdc14A in cell lines expressing low or undetectable levels of hCdc14A. There was a strong bias for low expression of hCdc14A in cancer cell lines harboring wild-type p53, suggesting that high Cdc14A expression is not compatible with wild-type p53 expression. We present evidence for a role for hCdc14A in the dephosphorylation of the ser315 site of p53 in vivo and that hCdc14A forms a complex with Cdk1/cyclin B during interphase but not during mitosis. Conclusion Our results that hCdc14A is differentially expressed in human cancer cells and that hCdc14A can interact with both p53 and the Cdk1/cyclin B complex may implicate that dysregulation of hCdc14A expression may play a role in carcinogenesis.
- Automatic layout and visualization of biclustersGrothaus, Gregory A.; Mufti, Adeel; Murali, T. M. (2006-09-04)Background Biclustering has emerged as a powerful algorithmic tool for analyzing measurements of gene expression. A number of different methods have emerged for computing biclusters in gene expression data. Many of these algorithms may output a very large number of biclusters with varying degrees of overlap. There are no systematic methods that create a two-dimensional layout of the computed biclusters and display overlaps between them. Results We develop a novel algorithm for laying out biclusters in a two-dimensional matrix whose rows (respectively, columns) are rows (respectively, columns) of the original dataset. We display each bicluster as a contiguous submatrix in the layout. We allow the layout to have repeated rows and/or columns from the original matrix as required, but we seek a layout of the smallest size. We also develop a web-based search interface for the user to query the genes and samples of interest and visualise the layout of biclusters matching the queries. Conclusion We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach on gene expression data for two types of leukaemia and on protein-DNA binding data for two growth conditions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The software implementing the layout algorithm is available at
- Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Based on Online Traffic Prediction for Real-Time MPEG-4 Video StreamsLiang, Yao; Han, Mei (2006-09-13)The distinct characteristics of variable bit rate (VBR) video traffic and its quality of service (QoS) constraints have posed a unique challenge on network resource allocation and management for future integrated networks. Dynamic bandwidth allocation attempts to adaptively allocate resources to capture the burstiness of VBR video traffic, and therefore could potentially increase network utilization substantially while still satisfying the desired QoS requirements. We focus on prediction-based dynamic bandwidth allocation. In this context, the multiresolution learning neural-network-based traffic predictor is rigorously examined. A well-known-heuristic based approach RED-VBR scheme is used as a baseline for performance evaluation. Simulations using real-world MPEG-4 VBR video traces are conducted, and a comprehensive performance metrics is presented. In addition, a new concept of renegotiation control is introduced and a novel renegotiation control algorithm based on binary exponential backoff (BEB) is proposed to efficiently reduce renegotiation frequency.