Events, University Libraries
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This collection holds video and audio recordings, slide presentations, and handouts from workshops, talks, presentations, and other events held in Newman Library at Virginia Tech.
Recent Submissions
- Cheesy Nights stickersSlowinski, Miliana; Weildling, Morgan (2024-03-25)Stickers for Cheesy Nights. Ordered 5,000 stickers
- Figures in Environmental History: Rupert CutlerCutler, Rupert; Pittman, Bess (Virginia Tech, 2021-04-21)Environmentalist and conservationist Rupert Cutler discusses his lifelong work preserving natural resources and wild spaces.
- World Digital Preservation Day 2020 Lightning TalksMenzies, Luke; Coleman, R. Shane; Dietz, Kira A.; Guimont, Corinne; Saverot, Maureen; Ng, Wen Nie; Ogle, J. Todd; Tuttle, James; Kinnaman, Alex (2020-11-05)World Digital Preservation Day is an annual celebration of digital preservation hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition. This is a series of short lightning talks by Virginia Tech University Libraries personnel on various digital preservation topics and Library projects. For more info, please visit the WDPD LibGuide: Presenters: Shane Coleman, Data Curator: "Teaching Students the Value of Historical Maps" Kira Dietz, Assistant Director, Special Collections and University Archives: "The History of Women at Virginia Tech: A Digital Tale of Access (and Preservation!)" Corinne Guimont, Digital Scholarship Coordinator: "Redlining Virginia Preservation Project" Alex Kinnaman, Digital Preservation Coordinator: "CoreTrustSeal Repository Certification" Luke Menzies, Digital Preservation Technologist: "Digital Preservation & Social Justice" Wen Ng, Digital Collections Librarian: "Southwest Virginia Digital Archive" Todd Ogle, Executive Director, ARIES: "Immersive Archaeology" Maureen Saverot, 3D Imaging Specialist: "Photogrammetry & 3D Insects" James Tuttle, Associate Director, Digital Libraries: "Digital Libraries Platform Preservation Strategy
- Virginia Research Library Sustainable Scholarship Virtual ForumButler, Brandon; Cooper, Carrie; Frazer, Stuart; Knott, Teresa L.; Nowviskie, Bethany; Unsworth, John; Walters, Tyler; Zenelis, John (Virginia Tech. University Libraries, 2020-10-02)Representatives from seven Virginia universities will soon be in contract negotiations with Elsevier, the largest science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) scholarly publisher. Working as a group, the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University, George Mason University, Old Dominion University, William and Mary, and James Madison University will be discussing the unsustainable cost of accessing Elsevier’s academic journals and options to make their public universities’ research more accessible to the public that paid for it. On Oct. 2 at 9:30 a.m., the group will host a Sustainable Scholarship Virtual Forum to share information about the group’s collective priorities concerning equity, accessibility, and costs of bundled scholarly journal packages. Forum moderator Brandon Butler, the University of Virginia Library’s director of information policy, will also pose questions to the panel for discussion. Registration is open to all interested faculty, staff, students, and community members. Attendees can submit questions or discussion topics surrounding negotiation priorities and sustainable scholarship in advance through the forum’s registration site. “This is an opportunity to learn more about the upcoming negotiations, the libraries’ priorities surrounding equitable access to scholarship, the impact of changing models on access to research, and why the costs of large bundled journal packages are unsustainable. We will also discuss the possible futures of scholarly publishing,” said Butler. “As a group, we are working together to find the best solutions to continue to be responsible stewards of state funds while providing our faculty and students with the informational resources they need to research, teach, and learn.” "It's important for Virginia Tech faculty to learn more and ask questions about this important topic. The scholarly publishing landscape is changing," said University Libraries Dean Tyler Walters. "We are at a crossroads where we need to prioritize equity, sustainability, and access to scholarly work. I've been discussing this topic with faculty groups and college leadership teams across the university since last fall. Now, this forum is an opportunity for faculty to hear from all of the library deans involved in the Elsevier contract negotiations." Panelists include: Carrie Cooper, Dean of University Libraries, William and Mary. Stuart Frazer, Interim University Librarian, Old Dominion University. Teresa L. Knott, Interim Dean of Libraries and University. Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University. Bethany Nowviskie, Dean of Libraries, James Madison University. John Unsworth, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, University of Virginia. Tyler Walters, Dean of University Libraries, Virginia Tech. John Zenelis, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, George Mason University. All interested faculty, staff, students, and community members are invited to register and attend the forum.
- Read Out Loud: Escaping the NazisNichols, Bradley J.; Wright de Hernandez, Anthony; Corral, Ana (Virginia Tech. University Libraries, 2020-04-06)Reading Out Loud: Escaping the Nazis features readings from Ruth Wolman’s Crossing Over: An Oral History of Refugees from Hitler’s Reich and Michael Dobbs’ The Unwanted: America, Auschwitz and a Village Caught In Between. Dr. Bradley J. Nichols, visiting assistant professor of history at Virginia Tech, provides context for the passages within the broader scope of American understanding of the Holocaust.
- Queer Conspiracies? Lesbians and Gay Men in Nazi GermanyHuneke, Samuel Clowes; Wright de Hernandez, Anthony (Virginia Tech. University Libraries, 2020-04-02)[Note: This session occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic shortly after the majority of university instruction in the United States had moved online. During the session, individuals joined the online meeting to intentionally cause disruption. This phenomenon, called "Zoombombing" was occurring regularly during online educational sessions at this time. The event hosts addressed the disruption and the session continued. As a result of the disruption, this recording contains language some may find offensive.] In the twelve years the Nazis were in power, the German government convicted around fifty thousand men under the country’s sodomy law, §175 of the penal code. Around ten thousand were sent to concentration camps, where approximately six thousand perished, some subjected to gruesome medical experiments. Today, memory of gay persecution under the Nazis lives on in the form of the pink triangle, a ubiquitous symbol of gay liberation that was originally the designation of homosexual concentration camp inmates. But why did the National Socialist go out of their way to persecute gay men and why did lesbians largely remain untouched by the terror? While the Nazis had run on a moralizing platform that promised to stamp out prostitution and homosexuality, the widespread persecution of homosexuals was motivated not by the eugenic concerns of the Nazis’ racial state, but rather by fears that gay men were naturally drawn into conspiratorial cliques and thus posed a political threat to the regime. For the same reason, the National Socialists were less apprehensive about the threat of female homosexuality. The fascist government, after all, had succeeded in driving women out of politics and the workplace and back into the home, where they posed less of a threat to society or the state. This talk traces the changing contours of the Nazis’ divergent treatment of gay men and lesbians, showing when and how their anti-homosexual views arose, how they waxed and waned, and how they ultimately impacted the formation of modern gay and lesbian identity, both in Germany and abroad.
- American Immigration and Refugee Policy Throughout the HolocaustWalters, Kathryn Perry; Wright de Hernandez, Anthony (Virginia Tech. University Libraries, 2020-03-19)Guest speaker Kathryn Perry Walters discusses American immigration policy throughout the Holocaust, specifically focusing on refugee practices. The United States government’s role in the Jewish Refugee Crisis of the 1930s and 1940s is a contested historical subject. This talk elaborates on existing debate by examining the proposal of the Wagner-Rogers bill and the creation of the War Refugee Board to analyze the methods in which the United States government approached refugee assistance. It provides background on where today’s anti-foreigner attitudes evolved from and how refugee need had been downplayed, but also how it had been fought for, and demonstrates Americans’ role in international human rights protection.
- World Digital Preservation Day 2019 Lightning TalksKinnaman, Alex; Menzies, Luke; Tuttle, James; Saverot, Maureen; Petters, Jonathan L.; Young, Philip; Guimont, Corinne (2019-11-07)In celebration of World Digital Preservation Day, seven Virginia Tech University Library personnel from four different Library departments will present five-minute lightning talks covering various practical and unique topics on digital preservation. Speakers and topics include: Alex Kinnaman, Digital Preservation Coordinator: Web Archiving Luke Menzies, Digital Preservation Technologist: Setting up Personal Archive Storage Jim Tuttle, Associate Director of Digital Libraries: Risk, Threats, and Mitigations Maureen Saverot, 3D Technical Artist: 3D Photogrammetry Jon Petters, Data Management Consultant and Curation Services Coordinator: Data Management Planning Philip Young, Institutional Repository Manager: Corinne Guimont, Digital Scholarship Coordinator: Documentation All of these digital preservation topics are activities and services provided by Virginia Tech University Libraries. World Digital Preservation Day is an international event hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition as a means of bringing together the digital preservation community and enhancing awareness of digital preservation best practices. More information can be found here: See the Digital Preservation LibGuide page on World Digital Preservation Day ( to see some of the other events the University Libraries are hosting for this Day.
- What's the Big Deal? Global Trends and Movements Shaping Higher EdButler, Brandon (Virginia Tech, 2019-10-23)For the last two decades, research institutions have been buying research the same way consumers have been buying television: in big bundles. And like big cable packages, these bundles have become bloated with content nobody wants, and their prices have exploded at rates only a monopolist could love. Come learn why the global research community is increasingly serious about cutting the cord, and how open access is both the foundation for this move, and the next step in the process. Welcome by Rachel Miles, Research Impact Librarian. Introduction by Tyler Walters, Dean of the University Libraries. About Brandon Butler: Brandon Butler is the first Director of Information Policy at the University of Virginia Library. He provides guidance and education to the Library and its user community on intellectual property and related issues, and advocates on the Library’s behalf at the federal, state, local, and campus level. Butler is the author or co-author of a range of articles, book chapters, guides, and presentations about copyright, with a focus on libraries and the fair use doctrine. Before coming to UVA, Brandon taught copyright and supervised student attorneys in the IP Law Clinic at American University, and advocated for research libraries around the country at the Association of Research Libraries. He received his J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2008.
- Jeans Noticeably Absent: The Story of Denim Day 1979(Virginia Tech, 2019-04-05)This stage production included readings of contemporaneous newspaper articles about Denim Day in 1979 and clips from the Denim Day 40th Anniversary Oral History Collection. It features stories from some of the original members of the Gay Student Alliance who were involved in planning the first Gay Awareness Week at Virginia Tech, which included Denim Day.
- VT Authors Event 2018Walters, Tyler; Clarke, Cyril R.; Johnson, Sylvester; Potter, Peter J.; Walz, Anita R.; Ellingson, Steve; Agmon, Danna; Ewing, E. Thomas; Hofer, Stefanie; Giminez Smith, Carmen (Virginia Tech. University Libraries, 2018-03-21)The 13th Annual University Libraries’ VT Authors Recognition event honors authors of books published in 2017 as well as authors of articles published through the University Libraries' Open Access Subvention Fund. The evening will include remarks by interim provost Cyril Clarke, assistant vice provost for the humanities Sylvester Johnson, and University Libraries dean Tyler Walters.
- Transforming Open Publishing Environments: VT Open Access Subvention Fund Awards at the Authors Recognition Event 2015McMillan, Gail (Virginia Tech Libraries, 2015-02-24)VT faculty, staff, and students who received support to make their articles open access were acknowledged at the Feb. 24, 2015, annual Authors Recognition Day. Virginia Tech Libraries, in partnership with the Office of Senior Vice President and Provost, offer an open access (OA) subvention fund of $50,000 to subsidize article processing fees for scholarly peer-reviewed articles accepted for publication in open access or hybrid OA journals. A primary goal of the program is to enable authors to engage in new transformational open publishing environments. The program aligns with the University Libraries strategic direction to support the research endeavors of the VT faculty and students, including the process of providing unrestricted access to digital research and scholarship. ( [These slides were prepared for but not displayed at the event.]
- Community Alignment ANADPHalbert, Martin; Bicarregui, Juan; Anglada, Lluis; Duranti, Luciana (2014-02-20)Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation: An Action Assembly Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia) November 18-20, 2013, Barcelona, Spain
- Engineers of ChangeWisnioski, Matthew H. (2014-02-18)
- What Is It About the History of Learning that Calls Out for Open Access to Research and Scholarship?Willinsky, John (2013-10-24)
- Open Access Graduate Student Panel 2013Georgakis, Stephanie; Lawrence, Jennifer; Nicholson, Josh (2014-02-18)For Open Access Week 2013, a panel of graduate students featuring Stephanie Georgakis, Jennifer Lawrence, and Josh Nicholson discussed issues of openness and publishing. Moderated by Purdom Lindblad, University Libraries.
- Open Access Faculty Panel 2013Panel Presentation (2013-10-23)
- Open Access AltmetricsPanel Presentation (2014-02-18)
- Network Enabled ResearchNeylon, Cameron (2014-02-04)
- Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation II (ANADP)Halbert, Martin; Anglada, Lluis (2014-01-13)Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation: An Action Assembly Biblioteca de Catalunya (National Library of Catalonia) November 18-20, 2013, Barcelona, Spain Summary The Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation (ANADP) II Action Assembly will align digital preservation efforts internationally between communities—including national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, research centers, archives, corporations, and funding agencies. ANADP II will be a highly participatory event in which stakeholders will engage in facilitated discussions and action sessions to produce a set of concrete outcomes for the extended digital preservation community in three areas: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. These specific action outcomes will include an international tools/services registry, a framework for applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation methodologies, a catalogue of education and training opportunities, and quantitative data gathering around digital preservation costs. ANADP History ANADP II will build on a strong foundation. The ANADP community first gathered in Estonia in 2011 with delegates from more than 20 nations to explore a series of targeted opportunities to align efforts in digital preservation. The outcome of that first event, the Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation volume, documented some of the most promising areas for future collaborative engagements between national and international digital preservation efforts (the volume is this year’s winner of the Society of American Archivists Preservation Publication award). Additional work in aligning international digital preservation efforts took place at the ANADP workshops hosted in Singapore (iPRES 2012) and Amsterdam (IDCC 2012). The Action Assembly ANADP II differs in intent and structure from other digital preservation conferences and meetings. Its primary purpose is not to encourage information sharing, but rather to foster and support sustained global networks of influence and action. “Alignment” in this context is a lightweight mechanism for cooperation. Alignments are formed around small or modular problems that are directly related to the participants’ own specific needs and interests. ANADP II will be easy to get involved with, participate in, or define new activities within. The ANADP II Action Assembly will consist of four components. Panel Discussions: Attendees will engage actively with panelists in conversations around three broad alignment themes: Community Alignment, Resource Alignment, and Capacity Alignment. Action Sessions: Attendees will participate in action sessions that demonstrate the powerful impact a concentrated alliance can have. There will be two tracks around each alignment theme, and attendees will select the track to/from which they feel they have the most to contribute/learn. Funder Presentations: Attendees will hear from representatives of funding groups that are interested in supporting cross-national digital preservation projects. Patio Perspectives: Attendees will help to identify and develop new alignment projects that those participating in this international event can pursue together. The purpose of ANADP II is to encourage collaboration among existing organizations and demonstrate what can be achieved through these informal alliances. ANADP II will foster a stronger international community of engagement and practice.