Technical Reports, Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR)

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  • Southside Regional and Local Housing Study: Technical Report
    Southside Planning District Commission; Virginia Center for Housing Research at Virginia Tech; HousingForward Virginia (Southside Planning District Commission, 2024-12)
  • Central Shenandoah Regional Housing Study: Consumer Report
    (Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, 2025)
  • 2024 West Piedmont Planning District Commission Housing Study
    Jones, Mel; Choi, Seungbee; Knopf, Jonathan; Mai, Eric (West Piedmont Planning District Commission, 2024-01)
    West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) undertook this housing study in partnership with the Virginia Center for Housing Research at Virginia Tech (VCHR) and HousingForward Virginia (HFV). PDCs serve member local governments within their region and build regional approaches to issues like economic development, transportation, and legislative priorities. The West Piedmont Planning District’s member localities are: Franklin, Henry, Patrick, and Pittsylvania Counties; the Cities of Danville and Martinsville; and the Town of Rocky Mount. Each member locality identified housing as a concern in their jurisdiction and with the opportunities offered through Virginia Housing, elected to conduct a regional housing study.
  • Virginia Beach Housing Study Update: Market Analysis and Policy Recommendations
    Jones, Mel; Choi, Seungbee; Goldberg-Foss, Mark; Knopf, Jonathan (City of Virginia Beach, 2024-01)
    Virginia Beach’s housing market has progressed since 2016, showing both positive growth and emerging challenges. Home prices are rising yet remain reasonably accessible. The pace of sales and vacancy rates indicates market balance. However, increasing market tightness presents challenges, notably the scarcity of affordable homes for low-income families. The study outlines these trends and proposes policy solutions to ensure housing opportunities for all.
  • Housing the Richmond Region: Needs, Impediments, and Strategies
    Virginia Center for Housing Research; Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (The Partnership for Housing Affordability, 2015)
    On behalf of the Capital Region Collaborative, the Partnership for Housing Affordability commissioned this report to determine how we can work together to ensure adequate housing quality for Richmond residents of all incomes and circumstances.
  • Randolph County Housing Study
    Jones, Mel; Eades, Daniel; Choi, Seungbee (2023-04)
  • Housing Needs and Trends in Central Appalachia and Appalachian Alabama
    Jones, Mel; Eades, Daniel; Choi, Seungbee (Fahe, 2023-07-20)
  • City of Bluefield Housing Study, 2023
    Jones, Mel; Zahm, Diane; Brown, Tyler; Boyce, Tyrone; Brummond, Jenna; Ekram, Khondaker Moham; Fox, Evan; Hartwick, Ali; McKinney, Brant; Poore, Michael (City of Bluefield, West Virginia, 2023-11-30)
  • Town of Vinton Housing Market Study
    Jones, Mel (2022-11-30)
    The Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR) conducted a basic, targeted housing market study for the Town of Vinton to evaluate housing affordability and availability for Vinton residents and for employees working in Vinton. Given limited time and resources, the VCHR study compared housing availability and affordability by occupation in the Vinton market, identifying high-demand and missing housing types and price points. The organization examined housing variety by number of bedrooms, housing type (i.e., single-family, single-family attached, or multifamily housing), tenure (i.e., renter or owner), and housing age to identify underrepresented types. Housing types were further analyzed in the context of current market preferences as observed in the trade literature. Finally, a housing affordability gap analysis was conducted to identify critical gaps that may limit community health and economic development.
  • State of the Market and Local Policy: Accessory Dwelling Units in the Commonwealth of Virginia
    Clower, Terry L.; Waters, Keith; Eisel, Valrie; Versel, David; Benson, Brien; Jones, Mel; Choi, Seungbee; Knof, Jonathan; Mai, Eric (Accessory Dwelling Unit Stakeholders Advisory Group, 2021-11)
    The following reports the findings of a data and information gathering exercise to provide the Accessory Dwelling Unit Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) input on key issues related to accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The work performed in this analysis and the SAG was implemented pursuant to House Bill 2053.
  • The Regional + Local NRV Housing Study - Detailed Report
    Virginia Center for Housing Research; Housing Forward Virginia; New River Valley Regional Commission (New River Valley Region, 2021)
    The New River Valley (NRV) is a desirable place to live and work. The region’s population is growing, creating more jobs and amenities, and it offers diverse settings as well as relative affordability and superior amenities that appeal to a variety of households and support our economic competitiveness. However, relatively low median days on market and steep price increases are evidence of a potential housing shortage. Whereas steady increases in demand (and thereby prices) are important for protecting the investments of current residents, a market with too little housing inventory makes housing upgrades or changes to more appropriate housing difficult (or impossible) for current residents and may stagnate growth. The NRV is facing various housing affordability and availability issues that are starting to affect the region’s quality of life and ability to grow.
  • 2013 Virginia Residential Real Estate Appraiser Remuneration: Survey And Report
    Sanderford, Andrew R.; Boyle, Kevin J.; McCoy, Andrew P.; Xu, Weibin; Jones, Mel (Virginia Center for Housing Research, 2014-10-09)
    This report describes the results from a survey of Virginia real estate appraisers. The survey was conducted by the Virginia Center for Housing Research and the Virginia Tech Program in Real Estate in the spring of 2014 and focused on fees paid for residential real estate appraisals in Virginia in 2013.
  • Fact Sheet - Twelve Facts From The Virginia LIHTC Study
    Virginia Center for Housing Research (Housing Virginia, 2015)
    Twelve facts from a new energy study show cost savings to Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) residents in Virginia.
  • The Impact of Energy Efficient Design and Construction on LIHTC Housing in Virginia
    McCoy, Andrew P. (Housing Virginia, 2015)
    The purpose of this report is to identify and verify possible benefits of the shift in housing policy by the Virginia Housing development Authority (VHDA) to encourage energy efficiency (EE) in the affordable rental stock in Virginia through the LIHTC program. The research addresses key issues related to Energy Efficiency and affordable housing through a rigorous measurement of economic impacts for low-income residents, distinguishing the effects of design, construction, technologies and behavior per unit. In addition, the research addresses how the policy to use EE might impact developers and owners in terms of property capital and operating costs. Data, analysis and findings focus specifically on facilities constructed to the EarthCraft MultiFamily standard in Virginia, one of the only datasets currently available that allows for this type of inquiry.
  • Mobile and Manufactured Homes In Central Appalachia and Alabama: Age, Condition and Need for Replacement
    Jones, Mel; Koebel, C. Theodore; McCoy, Andrew P.; Shanholtz, Spencer A.; Moeller, Julia (Virginia Center for Housing Research, 2016-09)
    This study provides a comprehensive snapshot of mobile and manufactured housing in Central Appalachia and Alabama and identifies the most pressing needs of residents in the region. Local housing partners plan to build on the findings of the report and develop policy recommendations to address the issues revealed in the study, in particular the cost burden of families living in manufactured housing. These recommendations will focus on shaping a federal manufactured housing replacement bill and strengthening ENERGY STAR programs, including advocating for the reinstatement of the Tennessee Valley Authority incentive program, supporting Duty to Serve credit, improving state housing financial agency lending programs and a supporting federal tax credit for home manufacturers.
  • Virginia Beach Housing Needs Assessment, Market Analysis, and Re-Investment Study
    Jones, Mel; McCoy, Andrew P.; Koebel, C. Theodore; Shanholtz, Spencer A.; Berryman, Alex; Buki, Charles; Beck-Pooley, Karen (Virginia Center for Housing Research, 2016)
    After decades of growth, the City of Virginia Beach is not as desirable to the wider market as it has been historically, and the housing market faces serious challenges, due in part to two major demographic and economic shifts. First, the millennial generation has surpassed baby boomers as the nation’s largest living generation (Fry, 2016). As millennials get older, they are becoming the nation’s largest market segment and their preferences are beginning to make a substantial difference in the housing market.
  • A Basic Housing Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis for the Rappahannock–Rapidan Region
    Jones, Mel; Brown-Coles, Olivia (Virginia Center for Housing Research, 2018-05)
    A large part of the demand for housing in the RRRC region comes from workers earning in more-expensive housing markets. Fauquier County in particular may offer attractive living costs for households with at least one worker commuting further into the Washington, DC metro area. However, preferences for suburban, exurban, or semi-rural lifestyles over urban living are likely a major factor attracting households to the region. The region may be particularly appealing because large towns offer the convenience of cities and suburbs close to rural areas.
  • Housing Needs and Trends in Central Appalachia and Appalachian Alabama
    Jones, Mel; Spencer, Samuel (Virginia Center for Housing Research, 2018)
    Appalachia is a region with significant contrasts. The evolution of the economic landscape over the last century has led each county in the region to face and adapt to unique circumstances. Although each county is unique, general housing trends in the region can be identified as well as outlier counties that do not conform to these trends. Many of the relevant housing trends in the region are quantifiable using US Census data. VCHR has compiled this data for a wide range of housing topics, including housing stock, demand, and affordability. Despite limitations such as reduced reliability in low-population counties, VCHR has conducted a relatively complete survey of issues relating to housing demand and preferences has been conducted. The analysis performed by VCHR uses both quantitative and geospatial methods to identify housing trends across the region; however, the trend may be stronger, weaker, or non-existent for some topics. VCHR indicates the significance of these trends where possible and maintains an unbiased presentation of the findings. This report presents each topic in the context of other trends to offer a more complete understanding of the figures produced in the analysis. Though comprehensive, the data and resulting analysis have raised additional questions. Where the analysis cannot conclusively explain a trend, this report can guide the reader toward further areas of research and consideration. Ultimately, VCHR’s findings present an updated assessment of housing trends in Central Appalachia and Appalachian Alabama and their significance.
  • Addressing the Impact of Housing for Virginia’s Economy
    Virginia Coalition of Housing and Economic Development Researchers (Governor’s Housing Conference, 2017-11)
    In October 2014, Governor McAuliffe issued Executive Order (EO) 32, “Advancing Virginia’s Housing Policy,” to “identify and implement actions to enable quality, affordable housing, which will strengthen families and communities and foster economic growth.” The Housing Policy Advisory Council (HPAC) was thus established under the leadership of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade to help guide the development and implementation of Virginia’s housing policy. A key directive of EO 32 was identifying the links between housing and economic and community development. To this end, the HPAC commissioned a study from a consortium of researchers at Virginia Tech, George Mason University, The College of William and Mary, and Virginia Commonwealth University, with the premise that successful housing policy must be based on independent analytic findings and best practices. The collaborative research of the four universities provides key information on the Commonwealth housing sector, focusing on the economic impact of housing, future scenarios impacting housing needs, and links between housing and other key policy sectors. This report summarizes the research conducted by the four universities and the implications for Virginia’s housing policy development. The report is designed to assist stakeholders and policymakers think more creatively and collaborate more intensely at the state, regional, and local levels as Virginia strives to build on the successes of the past and meet the pressing housing challenges facing the commonwealth. The entirety of the research is included in nine supplemental appendices listed below: Appendix Report 1: Economic Impacts Of Virginia’s Housing Industry Appendix Report 2: Housing The Commonwealth's Future Workforce 2014-2024 Appendix Report 3: Housing Affordability, Msa Gap Analyses Appendix Report 4: Housing And Transportation Appendix Report 5: Virginia Housing Production Affordability Findings Appendix Report 6: Housing And Economic Opportunity Appendix Report 7: Housing, Education, And Economic Development - Literature Appendix Report 8: Housing, Health, And Economic Development - Literature Appendix Report 9: The Future Of Housing In Virginia
  • The Diffusion of Innovation in the Residential Building Industry
    Koebel, C. Theodore; Papadakis, Maria; Hudson, Ed; Cavell, Marilyn S. (Virginia Center for Housing Research, 2003-10)
    This assessment reports on a survey mailed to a national sample of residential homebuilders to assess how they receive and process housing technology information. The successful diffusion of innovations in the residential building industry has substantial social, economic, and environmental benefits to Americans. When the industry incorporates new technologies, techniques, and materials into construction practices, it is possible to improve energy efficiency, conserve natural and energy resource, increase the longevity of housing stock, and create more affordable housing. By knowing how and why innovations diffuse within the industry, it is possible to accelerate the technology adoption process though more effectively designed programs, demonstration projects, and policy incentives.