Scholarly Works, Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics

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Research articles, presentations, and other scholarship


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Now showing 1 - 20 of 72
  • Molecular modeling of Poly(methyl methacrylate-block-acrylonitrile) as Precursors of Porous Carbon Fibers
    Hao, Xi; Serrano, Joel; Liu, Guoliang; Cheng, Shengfeng (2023-04-22)
  • Inducing stratification of colloidal mixtures with a mixed binary solvent
    Liu, Binghan; Grest, Gary S.; Cheng, Shengfeng (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023-12-06)
    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to demonstrate that a binary solvent can be used to stratify colloidal mixtures when the suspension is rapidly dried. The solvent consists of two components, one more volatile than the other. When evaporated at high rates, the more volatile component becomes depleted near the evaporation front and develops a negative concentration gradient from the bulk of the mixture to the liquid-vapor interface while the less volatile solvent is enriched in the same region and exhibit a positive concentration gradient. Such gradients can be used to drive a binary mixture of colloidal particles to stratify if one is preferentially attracted to the more volatile solvent and the other to the less volatile solvent. During solvent evaporation, the fraction of colloidal particles preferentially attracted to the less volatile solvent is enhanced at the evaporation front, whereas the colloidal particles having stronger attractions with the more volatile solvent are driven away from the interfacial region. As a result, the colloidal particles show a stratified distribution after drying, even if the two colloids have the same size.
  • Chain conformations and phase separation in polymer solutions with varying solvent quality
    Huang, Yisheng; Cheng, Shengfeng (Wiley, 2021-10-02)
    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the conformations of a single polymer chain, represented by the Kremer-Grest bead-spring model, in a solution with a Lennard-Jones liquid as the solvent when the interaction strength between the polymer and solvent is varied. Results show that when the polymer-solvent interaction is unfavorable, the chain collapses as one would expect in a poor solvent. For more attractive polymer-solvent interactions, the solvent quality improves and the chain is increasingly solvated and exhibits ideal and then swollen conformations. However, as the polymer-solvent interaction strength is increased further to be more than about twice the strength of the polymer-polymer and solvent-solvent interactions, the chain exhibits an unexpected collapsing behavior. Correspondingly, for strong polymer-solvent attractions, phase separation is observed in the solutions of multiple chains. These results indicate that the solvent becomes effectively poor again at very attractive polymer-solvent interactions. Nonetheless, the mechanism of chain collapsing and phase separation in this limit differs from the case with a poor solvent rendered by unfavorable polymer-solvent interactions. In the latter, the solvent is excluded from the domain of the collapsed chains while in the former, the solvent is still present in the pervaded volume of a collapsed chain or in the polymer-rich domain that phase separates from the pure solvent. In the limit of strong polymer-solvent attractions, the solvent behaves as a glue to stick monomers together, causing a single chain to collapse and multiple chains to aggregate and phase separate.
  • The effects of molecular and nanoscopic additives on phospholipid membranes
    Kumarage, Teshani; Morris, Nicholas B.; Ashkar, Rana (Frontiers, 2023-11-20)
    Lipid bilayers—the main matrix of cell membranes—are a paradigm of soft molecular assemblies whose properties have been evolutionarily optimized to satisfy the functional requirements of cells. For instance, lipid bilayers must be rigid enough to serve as the protective barrier between cells and their environment, yet fluid enough to enable the diffusion of proteins and molecular clusters necessary for biological functions. Inspired by their biological multifunctionality, lipid membranes have also been used as a central design element in many practical applications including artificial cells, drug nanocarriers, and biosensors. Whether biological or synthetic, lipid membranes often involve molecular or nanoscopic additives that modulate the membrane properties through various mechanisms. Hence, how lipid membranes respond to additives has justifiably drawn much attention in recent years. This review summarizes findings and observations on different classes of additives and their effects on structural, thermodynamic, elastic, and dynamical membrane properties that are central to biological function or synthetic membrane performance. The review primarily focuses on phospholipids as a major component of cell membranes and a widely used lipid type in synthetic membrane designs.
  • Mapping mechanical stress in curved epithelia of designed size and shape
    Marin-Llaurado, Ariadna; Kale, Sohan; Ouzeri, Adam; Sunyer, R.; Torres-Sanchez, A.; Latorre, E.; Gomez-Gonzales, M.; Roca-Cusach, P.; Arroyo, M.; Treapat, X. (2023-07-07)
    The function of organs such as lungs, kidneys and mammary glands relies on the three-dimensional geometry of their epithelium. To adopt shapes such as spheres, tubes and ellipsoids, epithelia generate mechanical stresses that are generally unknown. Here we engineer curved epithelial monolayers of controlled size and shape andmap their state of stress. We design pressurized epithelia with circular, rectangular and ellipsoidal footprints. We develop a computational method, called curved monolayer stress microscopy, to map the stress tensor in these epithelia. This method establishes a correspondence between epithelial shape and mechanical stress without assumptions of material properties. In epithelia with spherical geometry we show that stress weakly increases with areal strain in a size-independent manner. In epithelia with rectangular and ellipsoidal cross-section we find pronounced stress anisotropies that impact cell alignment. Our approach enables a systematic study of how geometry and stress influence epithelial fate and function in three dimensions.
  • Mathematical modeling of mechanosensitive reversal control in Myxococcus xanthus
    Chen, Yirui; Topo, Elias J.; Nan, Beiyan; Chen, Jing (Frontiers, 2024-01-08)
    Adjusting motility patterns according to environmental cues is important for bacterial survival. Myxococcus xanthus, a bacterium moving on surfaces by gliding and twitching mechanisms, modulates the reversal frequency of its front-back polarity in response to mechanical cues like substrate stiffness and cell-cell contact. In this study, we propose that M. xanthus’s gliding machinery senses environmental mechanical cues during force generation and modulates cell reversal accordingly. To examine our hypothesis, we expand an existing mathematical model for periodic polarity reversal in M. xanthus, incorporating the experimental data on the intracellular dynamics of the gliding machinery and the interaction between the gliding machinery and a key polarity regulator. The model successfully reproduces the dependence of cell reversal frequency on substrate stiffness observed in M. xanthus gliding. We further propose reversal control networks between the gliding and twitching motility machineries to explain the opposite reversal responses observed in wild type M. xanthus cells that possess both motility mechanisms. These results provide testable predictions for future experimental investigations. In conclusion, our model suggests that the gliding machinery in M. xanthus can function as a mechanosensor, which transduces mechanical cues into a cell reversal signal.
  • Robust and Transparent Silver Oxide Coating Fabricated at Room Temperature Kills Clostridioides difficile Spores, MRSA, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Hosseini, Mohsen; Huang, Jinge; Williams, Myra D.; Gonzalez, Gerardo Alexander; Jiang, Xiuping; Falkinham, Joseph O.; Ducker, William A. (MDPI, 2023-12-31)
    Antimicrobial coatings can inhibit the transmission of infectious diseases when they provide a quick kill that is achieved long after the coating application. Here, we describe the fabrication and testing of a glass coating containing Ag2O microparticles that was prepared from sodium silicate at room temperature. The half-lives of both methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on this coating are only 2–4 min. The half-life of Clostridioides difficile spores is about 9–12 min, which is extremely short for a spore. Additional tests on MRSA demonstrate that the coating retains its antimicrobial activity after abrasion and that an increased loading of Ag2O leads to a shorter half-life. This coating combines the properties of optical transparency, robustness, fast kill, and room temperature preparation that are highly desirable for an antimicrobial coating.
  • Combined computational modeling and experimental study of the biomechanical mechanisms of platelet-driven contraction of fibrin clots
    Michael, Christian; Pancaldi, Francesco; Britton, Samuel; Kim, Oleg V.; Peshkova, Alina D.; Vo, Khoi; Xu, Zhiliang; Litvinov, Rustem I.; Weisel, John W.; Alber, Mark (Nature Portfolio, 2023-08-24)
    While blood clot formation has been relatively well studied, little is known about the mechanisms underlying the subsequent structural and mechanical clot remodeling called contraction or retraction. Impairment of the clot contraction process is associated with both life-threatening bleeding and thrombotic conditions, such as ischemic stroke, venous thromboembolism, and others. Recently, blood clot contraction was observed to be hindered in patients with COVID-19. A three-dimensional multiscale computational model is developed and used to quantify biomechanical mechanisms of the kinetics of clot contraction driven by platelet-fibrin pulling interactions. These results provide important biological insights into contraction of platelet filopodia, the mechanically active thin protrusions of the plasma membrane, described previously as performing mostly a sensory function. The biomechanical mechanisms and modeling approach described can potentially apply to studying other systems in which cells are embedded in a filamentous network and exert forces on the extracellular matrix modulated by the substrate stiffness.
  • Biologically relevant small variations of intra-cellular pH can have significant effect on stability of protein-DNA complexes, including the nucleosome
    Onufriev, Alexey V. (Frontiers, 2023-04)
    Stability of a protein-ligand complex may be sensitive to pH of its environment. Here we explore, computationally, stability of a set of protein-nucleic acid complexes using fundamental thermodynamic linkage relationship. The nucleosome, as well as an essentially random selection of 20 protein complexes with DNA or RNA, are included in the analysis. An increase in intracellular/intra-nuclear pH destabilizes most complexes, including the nucleosome. We propose to quantify the effect by Delta Delta G(0.3)- the change in the binding free energy due to pH increase of 0.3 units, corresponding to doubling of the H+ activity; variations of pH of this amplitude can occur in living cells, including in the course of the cell cycle, and in cancer cells relative to normal ones. We suggest, based on relevant experimental findings, a threshold of biological significance of 12 k(B)T (similar to 0.3 kcal/mol) for changes of stability of chromatin-related protein-DNA complexes: a change in the binding affinity above the threshold may have biological consequences. We find that for 70% of the examined complexes,Delta Delta G(0.3) > 12 k(B)T (for 10%,Delta Delta G(0.3) is between 3 and 4 k(B)T). Thus, small but relevant variations of intra-nuclear pH of 0.3 may have biological consequences for many protein-nucleic acid complexes. The binding affinity between the histone octamer and its DNA, which directly affects the DNA accessibility in the nucleosome, is predicted to be highly sensitive to intranuclear pH. A variation of 0.3 units results in Delta Delta G(0.3) similar to 10k(B)T (similar to 6 kcal/mol); for spontaneous unwrapping of 20 bp long entry/exit fragments of the nucleosomal DNA,Delta Delta G(0.3) = 2.2k(B)T; partial disassembly of the nucleosome into the tetrasome is characterized by Delta Delta G(0.3) = 5.2k(B)T. The predicted pH -induced modulations of the nucleosome stability are significant enough to suggest that they may have consequences relevant to the biological function of the nucleosome. Accessibility of the nucleosomal DNA is predicted to positively correlate with pH variations during the cell cycle; an increase in intra-cellular pH seen in cancer cells is predicted to lead to a more accessible nucleosomal DNA; a drop in pH associated with apoptosis is predicted to make nucleosomal DNA less accessible. We speculate that processes that depend on accessibility to the DNA in the nucleosomes, such as transcription or DNA replication, might become upregulated due to relatively small, but nevertheless realistic increases of intranuclear pH.
  • Perturbative field-theoretical analysis of three-species cyclic predator-prey models
    Yao, Louie Hong; Swailem, Mohamed; Dobramysl, Ulrich; Tauber, Uwe C. (IOP Publishing, 2023-06)
    We apply a perturbative Doi-Peliti field-theoretical analysis to the stochastic spatially extended symmetric Rock-paper-Scissors (RPS) and May-Leonard (ML) models, in which three species compete cyclically. Compared to the two-species Lotka-Volterra predator-prey (LV) model, according to numerical simulations, these cyclical models appear to be less affected by intrinsic stochastic fluctuations. Indeed, we demonstrate that the qualitative features of the ML model are insensitive to intrinsic reaction noise. In contrast, and although not yet observed in numerical simulations, we find that the RPS model acquires significant fluctuation-induced renormalizations in the perturbative regime, similar to the LV model. We also study the formation of spatio-temporal structures in the framework of stability analysis and provide a clearcut explanation for the absence of spatial patterns in the RPS system, whereas the spontaneous emergence of spatio-temporal structures features prominently in the LV and the ML models.
  • Strong interactions between highly dynamic lamina-associated domains and the nuclear envelope stabilize the 3D architecture of Drosophila interphase chromatin
    Tolokh, Igor S.; Kinney, Nicholas A.; Sharakhov, Igor V.; Onufriev, Alexey V. (2023-05-30)
    Background Interactions among topologically associating domains (TADs), and between the nuclear envelope (NE) and lamina-associated domains (LADs) are expected to shape various aspects of three-dimensional (3D) chromatin structure and dynamics; however, relevant genome-wide experiments that may provide statistically significant conclusions remain difficult. Results We have developed a coarse-grained dynamical model of D. melanogaster nuclei at TAD resolution that explicitly accounts for four distinct epigenetic classes of TADs and LAD–NE interactions. The model is parameterized to reproduce the experimental Hi-C map of the wild type (WT) nuclei; it describes time evolution of the chromatin over the G1 phase of the interphase. The simulations include an ensemble of nuclei, corresponding to the experimentally observed set of several possible mutual arrangements of chromosomal arms. The model is validated against multiple structural features of chromatin from several different experiments not used in model development. Predicted positioning of all LADs at the NE is highly dynamic—the same LAD can attach, detach and move far away from the NE multiple times during interphase. The probabilities of LADs to be in contact with the NE vary by an order of magnitude, despite all having the same affinity to the NE in the model. These probabilities are mostly determined by a highly variable local linear density of LADs along the genome, which also has the same strong effect on the predicted positioning of individual TADs -- higher probability of a TAD to be near NE is largely determined by a higher linear density of LADs surrounding this TAD. The distribution of LADs along the chromosome chains plays a notable role in maintaining a non-random average global structure of chromatin. Relatively high affinity of LADs to the NE in the WT nuclei substantially reduces sensitivity of the global radial chromatin distribution to variations in the strength of TAD–TAD interactions compared to the lamin depleted nuclei, where a small (0.5 kT) increase of cross-type TAD–TAD interactions doubles the chromatin density in the central nucleus region. Conclusions A dynamical model of the entire fruit fly genome makes multiple genome-wide predictions of biological interest. The distribution of LADs along the chromatin chains affects their probabilities to be in contact with the NE and radial positioning of highly mobile TADs, playing a notable role in creating a non-random average global structure of the chromatin. We conjecture that an important role of attractive LAD–NE interactions is to stabilize global chromatin structure against inevitable cell-to-cell variations in TAD–TAD interactions.
  • Facile Implementation of Antimicrobial Coatings through Adhesive Films (Wraps) Demonstrated with Cuprous Oxide Coatings
    Behzadinasab, Saeed; Williams, Myra D.; Falkinham, Joseph O.; Ducker, William A. (MDPI, 2023-05-17)
    Antimicrobial coatings have a finite lifetime because of wear, depletion of the active ingredient, or surface contamination that produces a barrier between the pathogen and the active ingredient. The limited lifetime means that facile replacement is important. Here, we describe a generic method for rapidly applying and reapplying antimicrobial coatings to common-touch surfaces. The method is to deposit an antimicrobial coating on a generic adhesive film (wrap), and then to attach that modified wrap to the common-touch surface. In this scenario, the adhesion of the wrap and antimicrobial efficacy are separated and can be optimized independently. We demonstrate the fabrication of two antimicrobial wraps, both using cuprous oxide (Cu2O) as the active ingredient. The first uses polyurethane (PU) as the polymeric binder and the second uses polydopamine (PDA). Our antimicrobial PU/Cu2O and PDA/Cu2O wraps, respectively, kill >99.98% and >99.82% of the human pathogen, P. aeruginosa, in only 10 min, and each of them kill >99.99% of the bacterium in 20 min. These antimicrobial wraps can be removed and replaced on the same object in <1 min with no tools. Wraps are already frequently used by consumers to coat drawers or cars for aesthetic or protective purposes.
  • Phafins Are More Than Phosphoinositide-Binding Proteins
    Tang, Tuoxian; Hasan, Mahmudul; Capelluto, Daniel G. S. (MDPI, 2023-04-30)
    Phafins are PH (Pleckstrin Homology) and FYVE (Fab1, YOTB, Vac1, and EEA1) domain-containing proteins. The Phafin protein family is classified into two groups based on their sequence homology and functional similarity: Phafin1 and Phafin2. This protein family is unique because both the PH and FYVE domains bind to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P], a phosphoinositide primarily found in endosomal and lysosomal membranes. Phafin proteins act as PtdIns(3)P effectors in apoptosis, endocytic cargo trafficking, and autophagy. Additionally, Phafin2 is recruited to macropinocytic compartments through coincidence detection of PtdIns(3)P and PtdIns(4)P. Membrane-associated Phafins serve as adaptor proteins that recruit other binding partners. In addition to the phosphoinositide-binding domains, Phafin proteins present a poly aspartic acid motif that regulates membrane binding specificity. In this review, we summarize the involvement of Phafins in several cellular pathways and their potential physiological functions while highlighting the similarities and differences between Phafin1 and Phafin2. Besides, we discuss research perspectives for Phafins.
  • Molecular Weight Distribution of Branched Polymers: Comparison between Monte Carlo Simulation and Flory-Stockmayer Theory
    Wen, Chengyuan; Odle, Roy; Cheng, Shengfeng (MDPI, 2023-04-04)
    It is challenging to predict the molecular weight distribution (MWD) for a polymer with a branched architecture, though such information will significantly benefit the design and development of branched polymers with desired properties and functions. A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation method based on the Gillespie algorithm is developed to quickly compute the MWD of branched polymers formed through step-growth polymerization, with a branched polyetherimide from two backbone monomers (4,4′-bisphenol A dianhydride and m-phenylenediamine), a chain terminator (phthalic anhydride), and a branching agent (tris[4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl] ethane) as an example. This polymerization involves four reactions that can be all reduced to a condensation reaction between an amine group and a carboxylic anhydride group. A comparison between the MC simulation results and the predictions of the Flory-Stockmayer theory on MWD shows that the rates of the reactions are determined by the concentrations of the functional groups on the monomers involved in each reaction. It further shows that the Flory-Stockmayer theory predicts MWD well for systems below the gel point but starts to fail for systems around or above the gel point. However, for all the systems, the MC method can be used to reliably predict MWD no matter if they are below or above the gel point. Even for a macroscopic system, a converging distribution can be quickly obtained through MC simulations on a system of only a few hundred to a few thousand monomers that have the same molar ratios as in the macroscopic system.
  • Critical dynamics of the antiferromagnetic O(3) nonlinear sigma model with conserved magnetization
    Yao, Louie Hong; Täuber, Uwe C. (American Physical Society, 2022-06-01)
    We study the near-equilibrium critical dynamics of the O(3) nonlinear sigma model describing isotropic antiferromagnets with a nonconserved order parameter reversibly coupled to the conserved total magnetization. To calculate response and correlation functions, we set up a description in terms of Langevin stochastic equations of motion, and their corresponding Janssen-De Dominicis response functional. We find that in equilibrium, the dynamics is well-separated from the statics, at least to one-loop order in a perturbative treatment with respect to the static and dynamical nonlinearities. Since the static nonlinear sigma model must be analyzed in a dimensional d=2+ɛ expansion about its lower critical dimension dlc=2, whereas the dynamical mode-coupling terms are governed by the upper critical dimension dc=4, a simultaneous perturbative dimensional expansion is not feasible, and the reversible critical dynamics for this model cannot be accessed at the static critical renormalization group fixed point. However, in the coexistence limit addressing the long-wavelength properties of the low-temperature ordered phase, we can perform an ϵ=4-d expansion near dc. This yields anomalous scaling features induced by the massless Goldstone modes, namely subdiffusive relaxation for the conserved magnetization density with asymptotic scaling exponent zΓ=d-2, which may be observable in neutron scattering experiments. Intriguingly, if initialized near the critical point, the renormalization group flow for the effective dynamical exponents recovers their universal critical values zc=d/2 in an intermediate crossover region.
  • Effects of lattice dilution on the non-equilibrium phase transition in the stochastic susceptible-infectious-recovered model
    Mukhamadiarov, Ruslan I.; Täuber, Uwe C. (American Physical Society, 2022-09-01)
    We investigate how site dilution, as would be introduced by immunization, affects the properties of the active-to-absorbing nonequilibrium phase transition in the paradigmatic susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) model on regular cubic lattices. According to the Harris criterion, the critical behavior of the SIR model, which is governed by the universal scaling exponents of the dynamic isotropic percolation (DyIP) universality class, should remain unaltered after introducing impurities. However, when the SIR reactions are simulated for immobile agents on two- and three-dimensional lattices subject to quenched disorder, we observe a wide crossover region characterized by varying effective exponents. Only after a sufficient increase of the lattice sizes does it become clear that the SIR system must transition from that crossover regime before the effective critical exponents asymptotically assume the expected DyIP values. We attribute the appearance of this exceedingly long crossover to a time lag in a complete recovery of small disconnected clusters of susceptible sites, which are apt to be generated when the system is prepared with Poisson-distributed quenched disorder. Finally, we demonstrate that this transient region becomes drastically diminished when we significantly increase the value of the recovery rate or enable diffusive agent mobility through short-range hopping.
  • Mechanism and Efficacy of Cu2O-Treated Fabric
    Benmamoun, Zachary; Wyhopen, Trent; Li, You; Ducker, William A. (MDPI, 2022-11-16)
    Pathogenic bacteria can remain viable on fabrics for several days and therefore are a source of infection. Antimicrobial fabrics are a potential method of reducing such infections, and advances in antimicrobial fabrics can be enhanced by knowledge of how the fabric kills bacteria. Metal oxides have been considered and used as antimicrobial ingredients in self-sanitizing surfaces, including in clinical settings. In this work, we examine how the addition of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) particles to polypropylene fibers kills bacteria. First, we show that the addition of the Cu2O particles reduces the viability of common hospital pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Streptococcus pneumoniae, by 99.9% after 30 min of contact with the treated polypropylene. Then, we demonstrate that the main killing effect is due to the drying of the bacteria onto the cuprous oxide particles. There is also a weaker effect due to free Cu+ ions that dissolve into the liquid. Other dissolved species were unimportant. Chelation of these Cu+ ions in soluble form or precipitation removes their antimicrobial activity.
  • Modeling Solution Drying by Moving a Liquid-Vapor Interface: Method and Applications
    Tang, Yanfei; McLaughlan, John E.; Grest, Gary S.; Cheng, Shengfeng (MDPI, 2022-09-23)
    A method of simulating the drying process of a soft matter solution with an implicit solvent model by moving the liquid-vapor interface is applied to various solution films and droplets. For a solution of a polymer and nanoparticles, we observe “polymer-on-top” stratification, similar to that found previously with an explicit solvent model. Furthermore, “polymer-on-top” is found even when the nanoparticle size is smaller than the radius of gyration of the polymer chains. For a suspension droplet of a bidisperse mixture of nanoparticles, we show that core-shell clusters of nanoparticles can be obtained via the “small-on-outside” stratification mechanism at fast evaporation rates. “Large-on-outside” stratification and uniform particle distribution are also observed when the evaporation rate is reduced. Polymeric particles with various morphologies, including Janus spheres, core-shell particles, and patchy particles, are produced from drying droplets of polymer solutions by combining fast evaporation with a controlled interaction between the polymers and the liquid-vapor interface. Our results validate the applicability of the moving interface method to a wide range of drying systems. The limitations of the method are pointed out and cautions are provided to potential practitioners on cases where the method might fail.
  • Editorial: Signaling Proteins for Endosomal and Lysosomal Function
    Capelluto, Daniel G. S.; Conde, Cecilia B.; Tumbarello, David A.; van den Bogaart, Geert (Frontiers, 2021-12-16)