Impact of Substrate on Nutrient Removal in In-Ditch Bioreactors

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Virginia Tech


Drainage ditches, or grassed waterways, collect nutrient-laden runoff from agricultural fields and transport it to nearby waterbodies. The high nitrogen and phosphorus content in this water leads to negative effects, such as eutrophication in the receiving waters. In-ditch bioreactors are a simple, inexpensive treatment technology that could potentially remove nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural runoff. In-ditch bioreactors are intended to reduce flow rate and stimulate denitrification and sedimentation. Using experimental ditch segments and simulated runoff, this study evaluated nutrient removal in 1) vegetated ditches, 2) vegetated ditches with woodchip bioreactors and 3) vegetated ditches with combination woodchip and biochar bioreactors. Biochar was added in an effort to increase phosphorus removal. Inlet and outlet concentrations of nitrate, ammonium and phosphate were measured for each of the three treatments in triplicate. There were no statistically significant differences between treatments on load removed for any of the three nutrients of interest. Issues in measuring outlet flow rate made drawing definitive conclusions on nutrient load reductions difficult. Further experimentation using adjusted outlet flow measuring methods and bioreactor design would help establish whether in-ditch bioreactors are suitable for use as a nutrient removal technology in agricultural grassed waterways.



Runoff, Nutrient removal, Drainage ditch, Bioreactor, Best management practice

