Masters Theses

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  • Assessing the Potential of Granular Activated Carbon Filters to Limit Pathogen Growth in Drinking Water Plumbing Through Probiotic Versus Prebiotic Mechanisms
    Deck, Madeline Emma (Virginia Tech, 2025-02-06)
    Legionella pneumophila (Lp) and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are opportunistic pathogens that can be transmitted via drinking water, when tiny droplets containing the bacteria are aerosolized and inhaled during activities such as showering. The resulting respiratory illnesses, Legionnaires' Disease and NTM lung disease, are among the leading sources of drinking water associated disease in the United States and other parts of the world. Lp and NTM are both difficult to control, because they establish as part of natural biofilms that form within the interiors of pipes and fixtures that deliver drinking water to the point of use. These pathogens are especially problematic within premise (i.e., building) plumbing, where intermittent use throughout the day leads to long periods of stagnation, increased water age, warmer temperatures, and depleted disinfectant residuals that exacerbate bacterial growth. The recent advent of high throughput DNA sequencing has led to the discovery that drinking water microbiomes are diverse, complex, and largely comprised of non-pathogenic microbes. This has further led researchers to hypothesize that the microbial ecology of this diverse microbiome could be harnessed as a natural means to control Lp and NTM, i.e., a "probiotic" approach, but such an approach has not yet been demonstrated. The objective of this study was to assess this hypothesis by utilizing biologically active granular activated carbon (GAC) filters, which are already a widely used drinking water treatment both at the municipal and household scale, as a means to naturally shape the microbial ecology of downstream premise plumbing and inhibit Lp and NTM proliferation. GAC has an extremely high surface area that aids removal of organic carbon via adsorption but also provides an ideal habitat for establishment of biofilms, which removes organic carbon from the water via biodegradation. Convectively-mixed pipe reactors (CMPRs) were used for replicable simulation of premise plumbing distal taps. The CMPRs consisted of four-foot-long closed polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe segments with the sealed bottom portion resting in a ~48 °C water bath and with the top portion plugged and exposed to the cooler, ambient atmosphere (25 °C in this study), inducing convective mixing and resulting in an internal water temperature of 37 °C. PVC was chosen because it is common in premise plumbing and generally leaches the least organic carbon among the different types of plastic pipe. Four different influent water conditions were implemented in the experimental design: 1) Untreated, dechlorinated municipal tap water with high organic carbon and low biomass; 2) GAC-treated tap water with low organic carbon and elevated, viable biomass; 3) GAC-treated + 0.22-m pore size membrane-filtered tap water to remove both nutrients and biomass; 4) GAC-treated tap water pasteurized at 70 °C with low nutrients and elevated, killed biomass. The 0.22-m pore size membrane filter simulated the use of a building scale particle filter, while pasteurization simulated water passing through a hot water heater at an elevated temperature recommended for pathogen thermal disinfection. To understand the influence of these experimental conditions on older pipes containing mature biofilms versus new pipes that leach more organics and are being freshly colonized, a set of older pipes colonized with mature ~4-year-old biofilms were compared to newly purchased pipes. Each set of pipes was tested in triplicate for the four different experimental conditions with the full volume replaced three times a week for eight months, simulating infrequently used taps containing warm, continuously mixing water thought to create conditions at a very high risk for opportunistic pathogen growth. In the aged CMPR bulk water effluents, droplet-digital-polymerase-chain-reaction measurements showed a one-log reduction of Lp and NTM when receiving GAC-treated or GAC-treated + particle-filtered influent water versus receiving dechlorinated municipal tap water or GAC-treated + pasteurized water. These findings suggest that decreased biodegradable dissolved organic carbon achieved by GAC filtration acted to suppress Lp and NTM growth, while the additional step of biomass removal by particle filtration provided a more modest benefit. In the CMPRs consisting of new pipes, concentrations of Lp and NTMs in the effluent bulk water were similar among the experimental conditions, except that the CMPRs receiving the GAC-treated + particle-filtered influent water experienced a two-log reduction in NTMs. These results demonstrate that the colonization and proliferation of NTM within premise plumbing can be significantly controlled by limiting nutrients and biomass in the influent water. This work demonstrates the potential of harnessing GAC-treatment as a means to Control Lp and NTM in premise plumbing via nutrient removal. In scenarios where chemical disinfectants have been depleted, off-the-shelf GAC-treatment used as point-of-entry treatment to large buildings with recirculating plumbing could provide benefits that have previously been unrecognized. Alternatively, pasteurization in very hot water heaters could provide a short-term disinfection benefit, but eventually the nutrients embodied in the dead biomass undermine the positive influence of the nutrient removal provided by the GAC-treatment. Improved mechanistic understanding of probiotic strategies to opportunistic pathogen control would be needed to overcome inherent limitations to the approaches examined herein, if more effective control is desired in the absence of thermal or chemical disinfection.
  • A Choreography of Water, Light, and Space Interplay
    Pourkhodagholi, Negar (Virginia Tech, 2025-02-06)
    This thesis explores the interplay of water, light, and space in a choreography of architectural sequences. Through the design of a spa, it explores how these elements can evoke sensory and emotional responses, shaping human perception and interaction within spatial environments. The project unfolds as a choreography where water in its various states and qualities interacts with light and architectural space, creating an immersive sensory journey. This choreography carefully modulates centrifugal (outward-directed) and centripetal (inward-directed) experiences, crafting a dynamic interplay between the individual and the surrounding space.
  • Improving Precision in Forest Inventory through Small Area Estimation for Loblolly Pine Plantations in Coastal Georgia
    Subedi, Bipana (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-31)
    The use of small area estimation (SAE) in forest inventory has shown promise for improving the precision of estimates needed for informed decision-making when sample data are sparse. We evaluated the potential of unit-level SAE for increasing the precision of stand-level estimates of basal area, volume, and above-ground biomass estimates in loblolly pine plantations in coastal Georgia. Following the unit-level approach, field plots sampled in plantations owned by Rayonier Inc. were georeferenced to aerial lidar data using high-quality GPS field coordinates. Results focused on A) gains in precision for stand-level basal area, volume, and above-ground biomass estimates achieved by combining data from field plots with lidar-derived canopy height models in a SAE framework, B) impacts of small sample sizes on the precision of estimated stand level attributes, and C) the effects of nonrandom field plot placement in stands of interest when using unit-level SAE. Findings indicate that higher precision is achievable with greater variance stability than what is possible from very small samples of field data alone. This was true for all three attributes of interest. With careful attention to checking assumptions of the unit-level SAE approach, the use of non-random sampling does not appear to impair SAE's ability to deliver unbiased estimates for forest plantation stands. Simulating the entire population's basal area to test for the effects of non-random plot placement showed that SAE is robust to the type of sampling technique used. However, results can be affected when sampling is intentionally biased. This work can be useful to landowners and forest managers working with southern loblolly pine plantations. By leveraging simulation techniques to generate non-random sampling data from the available random sampling data, this study attempted to bridge the gap between the available empirical data and the desired sampling framework, ultimately widening the applicability of SAE in forest inventory settings.
  • Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for ERCOT Short Term Load Forecasting
    Singh, Gurkirat (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-29)
    This study investigates the efficacy of various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models for short-term load forecasting (STLF) in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grid. A dual comparative approach is employed, evaluating models based on temporal features alone as well as in combination with actual and forecasted weather variables. The research emphasizes region-specific forecasting by capturing heterogeneous load patterns for ERCOT's individual weather zones and aggregating them to predict total load. Model evaluation is conducted using accuracy and bias metrics, with particular attention to high-demand months and peak load hours. The findings reveal that Generalized Additive Models (GAM) consistently outperform other models, most importantly during summer months and peak load hours.
  • Development of a Lung Surrogate Model for Assessing Biomechanical Responses to Underwater Explosions (UNDEX)
    Anbarasu Kalpana, Pradikshan (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-29)
    Underwater explosions (UNDEX) generate high-energy shock waves that pose significant risks to military personnel during training exercises and combat scenarios. The primary objective of this research is to develop a surrogate modeling framework using engineering materials to investigate the biomechanical response of lung tissue during UNDEX events. A representative lung surrogate was designed to mimic the mechanical behavior of human lungs, utilizing thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and polyurethane foam to replicate the elastic and porous nature of lung tissue and alveolar sacs. Material characterization tests were conducted to simulate quasi-static deformation through uniaxial tensile tests and dynamic loading conditions using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The viscoelastic response of the surrogate material across a wide range of temperatures and frequencies is presented. A series of UNDEX experimental tests were conducted on the surrogates using the Virginia Tech Shockwave Generator (SWG), with targeted overpressures ranging from 10 to 20 psi. The surrogates were instrumented with sensors to record changes in principal strains and internal pressures. The results were analyzed to evaluate strain and pressure trends, impulse, and potential injury mechanisms. A linear relationship was observed between shockwave impulse, peak pressure, and principal strains, while no significant differences in internal pressure dynamics were observed within the tested blast overpressure ranges.
  • Reevaluating Encoding-Retrieval Match and Cue Overload
    Shafer, Erica S. (Virginia Tech, 2024-12-06)
    The encoding specificity principle, initially proposed by Thompson and Tulving in 1973, asserts that the congruence between encoding and retrieval conditions plays a crucial role in successful memory retrieval. Although this principle has largely been supported, Nairne (2002) has challenged memory theorists to reconsider its direct causality, proposing that the diagnostic value of retrieval cues with respect to a specific memory is the primary determinant of successful retrieval. This study sought to investigate this claim. This study builds upon the work conducted by Goh and Lu (2012) by adapting the manipulations of encoding-retrieval match and cue overload in their original task design. The current study replaced the implicit category cue in the high-overload, high-match conditions with an explicit cue in an attempt to strengthen the manipulation. We hypothesized that the addition of an explicit high-overload cue to our experimental design would lead to a significant effect of encoding-retrieval match in the high-overload condition, in contrast with Goh and Lu’s (2012) findings. Our findings provide mixed support for this hypothesis. We observed weak evidence for a main effect of encoding-retrieval match, with better performance in the high-match condition than the low-match condition without evidence for a significant interaction between encoding-retrieval match and cue overload. However, planned t-tests somewhat conflicted with this finding in that encoding-retrieval match had a significant effect only when the cues were low-overload, not when match was increased with a high-overload cue. Further investigation is needed before conclusions can be drawn from this data.
  • Making Space for Daydreams
    Finney, Trevor G. (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-28)
    I describe and reflect on the creation of my exhibition Making Space for Daydreams, containing two large sculptures and a collection of conversational audio recordings. The sculptural artworks utilize interdisciplinary techniques and both digital fabrication and handcrafted approaches, including: woodworking, hand-cut paper, laser-cut illustration, motion capture, projection mapping and pencil drawings. The exhibition explores themes related to daydreaming, and the value of recognizing and building spaces that help make daydreaming possible. In addition, the work explores presence, memory, and inner child relationships as way to understand and frame my own relationship to daydreaming. By engaging in an act of imaginative play, I collaborated with my inner child and benefited from a strengthened sense of self-identity. Through acts of obscuring in the artwork I create allowances for imagination and invite the viewer to reflect on their own experiences and daydreams.
  • Profiles of Caregiver-Level Factors Associated with Emotion Regulation in Adolescents with and without ADHD
    Pham, Stephanie Ngoc Tran (Virginia Tech, 2024-12-18)
    Environmental factors, most significantly caregivers, substantially contribute to youth emotional development. Emotion regulation (ER) deficits and emotion dysregulation (ED) are a significant, pervasive concern for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), especially during adolescence. Although there has been empirical support for how caregiver factors independently contribute to youth ER abilities, there is little known about whether there are any underlying patterns or permutations of caregiver-related variables that relate to ER and ED in adolescents. This master’s thesis was a secondary analysis of a multi-site longitudinal study of 266 adolescents (54.1% male; 81.6% White; 51.1% comprehensively diagnosed with ADHD). The primary aims were to explore potential latent profiles of caregiver-level factors in this sample and investigate whether caregiver profiles that emerge vary based on whether their adolescents are diagnosed with ADHD, and whether caregiver profiles relate to adolescent ER and ED outcomes. Three distinct caregiver profiles emerged: Low Internalizing/ED and High Authoritative Parenting, Moderate Internalizing/ED and Permissive Parenting, and High Internalizing/ED and Moderate Authoritative Parenting. Results indicated that caregivers of adolescents with ADHD are more likely to fall into the High Internalizing/ED and Moderate Authoritative Parenting profile. Profiles characterized by authoritative parenting practices were generally associated with better adolescent ER outcomes, though no significant differences in self-reported adolescent ED were observed across profiles. These findings highlight the potential for caregiver psychopathology, ED, and parenting practices to serve as targets for interventions aimed at improving adolescent ER and reducing ED, particularly in neurodiverse populations.
  • Pairing Water Rights to Land Parcels -- Connecting the Prior Appropriations Doctrine and Croplands in the western US
    Schantz, Megan Wilson (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-27)
    Agricultural production in the western United States faces uncertainty with climate change leading to reduced crop yields from higher temperatures, lower precipitation rates, and shifting the growing seasons. This impacts farmers and their livelihood but more broadly, the United States's food supply and economic activity. While climatic characteristics are necessary to understand how crop production in the western United States will shift, many studies neglect the role that the water rights priority system plays in determining which croplands receive water under drought conditions. This study introduces a methodology to pair water rights, including priority dates, to land parcels and irrigated croplands. Crops were analyzed within hydrologic and state boundaries to determine which are at risk under the water rights priority system in drought conditions. Lastly, outputs from a global hydrologic model were used to assess water availability under common large-scale water allocation schemes versus the priority system in practice in the western United States, to evaluate schemas impact on water's spatial distribution. The novel pairing of land and water rights in this study increased water right boundaries from 29 to 59 percent across 10 states by implementing spatial overlays, radius, and waterway methods, with the spatial overlays achieving the highest accuracy. Median priority dates of the nine most cultivated crops in the western United States revealed a hierarchical system for water rights seniority, with oats and other hay having the most senior water rights, while junior water rights showed less of a hierarchy, although corn appeared to have the most junior water rights. This study is significant as it establishes a novel framework for linking water rights to croplands, enabling regional-scale analysis and introducing a methodology to integrate this data into a global hydrologic model to achieve insights on a field-level.
  • Numerical Modeling of the Energy Release of Aluminized Oxyacetylene Detonations
    Walters, Iliana Rose (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-27)
    This research explored the energy release of pure oxyacetylene and aluminized oxyacetylene detonations and their blast efficiency. A numerical model was developed using blastFoam to accurately capture shock wave parameters using a compressed gas balloon method. For this method, the explosive was replaced by a compressed gas balloon with calibrated initial conditions to replicate the explosive's blast characteristics. The numerical model was validated with experimental data from 0.11 m3 oxyacetylene detonations acquired by Cheney (2024) in the large-scale shock tube research facility at VA Tech (VTSTRF). A series of studies were carried out in this process of model development including: the preliminary building of the model domain with the shock tube geometry and approximation of specific energy of oxyacetylene, a symmetry study, an all-direction mesh refinement study, and an x-direction mesh refinement study. The goal of these studies was to develop a model that accurately captures the energy release from the 0.11 m3 detonation in a sufficiently quick manner. Once the numerical model was developed, it was used to determine the energy release of detonations with varying oxyacetylene volumes and H-10 aluminum concentrations as compared to data collected in the VTSTRF by Cheney (2024) and Kamide and Jacques (2024). A comparison of energy values was carried out against a traditional approach of blast scaling. Similar relationships were found between aluminum concentration and total energy of detonation and blast efficiency. The blastFoam numerical model enables a simpler method of capturing energy release from complex non-ideal detonations, requiring input dependent only on specific energy of the balloon and balloon volume.
  • The Effects of Curvature on Turbulent Boundary Layers Over a 3D Bump Geometry: An Experimental Study Using BeVERLI Hill
    Chen, Fangzhou (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-23)
    This thesis presents an experimental investigation of the effects of curvature on turbulent boundary layers using the Benchmark Validation Experiment for RANS and LES Investigations (BEVERLI) Hill setup. The study focuses on analyzing the flow behavior over a three-dimensional bump geometry that incorporates both concave and convex surfaces, with the aim of improving the understanding of the complex interactions among curvature, pressure gradients, and turbulence characteristics. The study examines the mean velocity, Reynolds shear stresses, pressure gradient, turbulence intensity, and pressure coefficient variations in relation to the bump curvature. The results are consistent with prior studies on the destabilizing influence of concave curvature with observations such as increased turbulence intensity, a decrease in mean velocity relative to the free-stream velocity U∞, and higher Reynolds stresses normalized by U2∞ throughout entire turbulent boundary layer, particularly in the near-wall region. Convex curvature results are consistent with prior study as well, which exhibits a stabilizing effect, shown to reduce turbulence intensity, an increase mean velocity relative to the free-stream velocity U∞, and lower Reynolds stresses normalized by U2∞ throughout entire boundary layer. This study also highlights the influence of pressure gradient effect, which acts with the curvature effect, impacts the boundary layer stability. This interaction is observed in amplification of turbulence with increasing of turbulence intensity and boundary layer growth. This stability particularly reflects on the embedded shear layers with inflection points which can create conditions for linear instabilities to grow, thus enhancing coherent turbulent motions. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the challenges in separating the influence of curvature from pressure gradient effects in current model, and proposes future research directions to address this issue. By conducting experiments under controlled pressure gradient flow conditions over concave and convex curvature, researchers can analyze the contributions of curvature effect separately from pressure gradient effect. Alternatively, using a hybrid RANS-LES model, will lead to a more precise understanding of flow dynamics over curved surfaces.
  • Prototype Development and Feasibility Assessment of a Vertically Mounted Floating Element Skin Friction Balance
    Raza, Muhammad (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-23)
    Wall shear stress is one of the most essential scaling parameters used in fluid dynamics. It is significant because it helps us compare results in different experimental studies. The accurate measurements of wall shear stress will be instrumental in improving the existing empirical models and validating CFD models. Wall shear stress is also vital in improving fuel efficiency, heat transfer efficiency, and aerodynamic efficiency in real-world applications. This work discusses the design and implementation of a prototype floating element balance — a direct method of wall shear measurement. The direct measurement methods are robust and can significantly improve the validity of experimentation when perfected. In this work, a prototype floating element balance is designed and developed to estimate the wall shear stress in a smooth wall pilot facility to assess its feasibility for large-scale development. The floating element balance utilizes a strain gauge to estimate the wall shear stress. The preliminary tests show promising results, revealing potential design improvements. A strain measurement study is conducted to investigate the force-strain relationship and the reliability of the balance, which highlights the long-term stability and consistency in the strain measurement. However, further investigations are required into the drift response of the floating element balance. The strain measurements are also employed to calibrate the balance using a linear curve fit with a coefficient of determination of R^2 = 0.99, indicating a satisfactory linear estimation.
  • Pavement Surface Characteristics Evaluation Using Vehicle-Based Data Collection
    Mardirossian, Grace (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-23)
    Various methods are used to collect pavement surface conditions, varying from manual checks by employees to specialized equipment. However, traditional methods usually require expensive specialized equipment and are time-consuming and costly. This thesis examines the use of connected vehicles (CV) to collect pavement surface data estimated based on sensors mounted in the cars. This concept was first analyzed through a literature review, where CV technology was examined to measure roughness, friction, and pothole data. Data collection was performed by a specialized company, utilizing sensor data from standard manufactured cars. A sample of data from the Richmond district of Virginia, was used to compare the estimated values to the standard International Roughness Index (IRI) values used by VDOT. Data collected using both methods were matched using Matlab code to have a common linear referencing system. Subjective visual comparison showed that both data sets had similar trends, highlighting roads with rough sections. A quantitative analysis performed to compare the average results of the two methods on a sample of uniform sections, showed a high correlation. A technology assessment was also conducted to evaluate the maturity level of the CV, which was found to be at least a TRL 7. This suggests that CV technology can be a valuable addition to the traditional methods for collecting pavement surface data.
  • Utilization of Stormwater Retention Ponds by Aquatic Turtles in Montgomery County, Virginia
    Crawford, Brandon Michael (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-23)
    Stormwater ponds design to mitigate the negative impacts of runoff from impervious surfaces in urban areas have become common landscape features as they are required by state and local environmental regulations. While some have hypothesized that stormwater ponds may provide habitat for wildlife, few studies have systematically investigated turtle use of stormwater ponds. To investigate stormwater pond use by turtles in western Virginia, I used records of permitted stormwater management structures in the Town of Christiansburg and City of Blacksburg, Virginia, and a stratified random sample design based on hydrology to select 60 (of 324 above ground structures) for sampling of turtle assemblages. I used a combination of visual and trapping surveys to characterize turtle assemblages. I also surveyed design and management variables to identify those conditions that promote use of stormwater ponds by turtles. Visual encounter surveys involving eight or more visits conducted in June and July when air temperatures were between 20oC and 27oC produced high cumulative rates of detection and high detection probabilities during individual surveys, respectively. I found eight taxa utilizing stormwater ponds including two relatively abundant native taxa, the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) and the eastern painted turtle (Chrysemys picta picta), and one non-native taxa, the red-eared slider (Trychemys scripta elegans). The occurrence of turtles was associated with larger ponds with permanent or near permanent hydrology and limited emergent vegetation cover that were located on streams and surrounded by patches of trees and turfgrass cover. These conditions are characteristics of the habitats selected by the native species found in this study, but also indicative of conditions humans may choose when releasing unwanted pet turtles. Therefore, the occurrence of native and non-native taxa may be associated with park-like conditions, but for different reasons, warranting future assessment and monitoring of turtle populations and potential genetic introgression between native and non-native taxa.
  • Wire Direct Energy Deposition of Cobalt Iron Alloy
    Salah, Mohammad (Virginia Tech, 2025-01-23)
    The presented research explores the Wire-Laser Direct Energy Deposition of Fe17Co alloy for soft magnetic applications. Process parameters starting from power, feed speed, and feed/scan ratios were optimized where a high confidence multi-factor regression model was developed correlating the processing parameters to final bead dimensions. The model showed that increasing feed speeds led to an increase in bead height and a reduction in bead width while increasing feed/scan ratio resulted in an increase of bead height and width. Interlayer cooling time for multi-layer deposition was tested and revealed, through thermal camera measurement, that increasing interlayer cooling time leads to a higher cooling rate, and generally more stable printing process. Printed samples showed single phase BCC with fine equiaxed structure and high density (>98.5%) with no pores or cracks. ASTM A773 sample rings were printed and showed that for decreasing input energy (by decreasing power or increasing feed speed) leads to a finer grain structure. The average diameter grain size of the printed samples was 18.7 microns and grew to an average of 26.5 microns after a pre-anneal heat treatment at 700°C for 2 hours followed by 850°C for 10 hours. Furthermore, using interlayer cooling time, the thermal gradient of the samples throughout the printing was increased and lead to even finer grain structure. However, this lead to increased grain growth post annealing. Printed samples showed good magnetic properties, but slightly less than that of the commercial wrought material.
  • Taking a Functional Approach to Volunteering: Explaining Volunteer Congruence and Work Engagement
    Gass, Jessica A. (Virginia Tech, 2024-11-14)
    Using the functional approach to volunteering as a basis, I investigated the implications of volunteer motivation congruence (i.e., a match between motivations to volunteer and the satisfaction of those motivations) for work recovery and downstream work engagement. I focused on career and understanding-based volunteer motives and psychological detachment and mastery recovery experiences. This was evaluated using a cross-sectional survey with a sample (N = 119) of employees with past volunteering experience. I found that psychological detachment was higher when career motives were greater than career motive satisfaction. Agreement between motives and satisfaction for both career and understanding motivations was also found to be more important than disagreement for predicting mastery experiences. Neither recovery variable (detachment and mastery experiences) was found to predict work engagement. No hypothesized indirect effects of the work recovery variables on the relationship between volunteer congruence and work engagement were supported. Overall, the results show a novel pattern of findings that encourages future research on volunteer motivation congruence and recovery experiences.
  • Soft Sensing-Driven CO2 Predictive Models in Educational Buildings
    Meimand, Mostafa (Virginia Tech, 2024-10-14)
    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) plays a vital role in occupant well-being. Among various factors, CO2 concentration impacts the productivity and cognitive functions of occupants. Different strategies can be utilized to improve IAQ, including context-aware ventilation, air purification technologies, and integration of indoor plants. Existing methods in the literature for reducing CO2 concentrations rely on direct sensing, which requires advanced infrastructure that may prevent scalability. This study investigates a soft sensing approach, utilizing readily accessible features from Building Management System (BMS) to develop predictive models for CO2 concentration, offering a cost-effective alternative to direct sensor-based measurements. We leverage two different datasets to explore the feasibility and accuracy of the soft sensing approach. The first dataset aggregates CO2 data points compiled from existing literature, providing a broad perspective of IAQ variations across various educational settings. The second dataset is a publicly available, high-resolution set of IAQ measurements from several spaces over a month, allowing for detailed model training and testing. By applying machine learning techniques, we developed models that predict CO2 concentrations based on different sets of variables. We observed that the Random Forest model could predict CO2 concentration with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 37.57 by utilizing room temperature, outdoor temperature, and the hour of the day. Moreover, this study assesses the transferability of the predictive models trained on a limited number of data points. We observed that using occupancy percentage results in more transferable models compared to other variable sets. The main contribution of this study to the body of knowledge is the evaluation of the soft sensing approach, which could pave the way for creating more scalable and infrastructure-independent systems to improve indoor air quality in educational facilities.
  • Effect of ionic strength on heterogeneous nucleation of calcite during biomineralization
    Knight, Brenna M. (Virginia Tech, 2024-12-18)
    Biominerals often form within a matrix of biomacromolecules in high-salinity environments, yet the relationships for how macromolecules and ionic strength influence the crystallization of sparingly soluble salts (e.g., CaCO₃) are not established. Developing a physical picture of these controls is hindered by the traditional assumption that background electrolytes are inert. In this study, we investigate calcite nucleation onto two model organic matrix polysaccharides, chitosan and alginate, in a series of ionic strength solutions (65 – 600 mM NaCl). Chitosan is near-neutral (at pH 8.5) and analogous to the structural polysaccharide chitin. In contrast, alginate has a strong negative charge akin to the many anionic biopolymers in the organic matrix. By measuring the rate of calcite nucleation onto these materials and fitting classical nucleation theory to the data, we find the interfacial free energy (γnet) and the kinetic prefactor depend upon ionic strength for both polysaccharides. The thermodynamic barrier to nucleating calcite onto alginate strongly depends on ionic strength, while calcite nucleation onto chitosan shows a similar but weaker dependence. Parallel molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted to examine ion (Ca²⁺, Na⁺, HCO₃⁻, Cl⁻) and water interactions with models of a carboxylated polysaccharide and a chitosan material. The MD predictions indicate that at higher ionic strength, the polysaccharide-solution interface is increasingly stabilized by progressively higher concentrations of Na⁺ and Cl⁻. Stronger Na⁺ interactions with the polysaccharide are observed in the carboxylated system. The numbers of H₂O and HCO₃⁻ in the Ca²⁺ hydration sphere decrease with increasing ionic strength, while the number of Cl⁻ increases for both polysaccharides. The evidence suggests the increase in interface stabilization by Na⁺ and Cl⁻ increases γnet through reductions in the polysaccharide-solution interfacial energy. We predict the effect of higher salinity is enhanced for alginate because Na⁺ interactions with COO⁻ groups make it more difficult for Ca²⁺ to displace near-surface water and/ or Na⁺. Relatively weak Na⁺-chitosan molecular interactions lead to a lesser dependence on ionic strength. Calcite nucleation rates were also measured onto chitosan in a series of sodium halide solutions (NaCl, NaBr, NaI) and onto alginate in a series of chloride salts (LiCl, NaCl, CsCl) at constant ionic strength. CaCO₃ nucleation in the presence of electrolytes with the strongest hydration properties presents the lowest γnet. Values of γnet increase in the order Cl⁻
  • Impact of Real-Time Information and Road User Fees on Individuals Mode Choice Decision
    Hridoy, Daud Nabi (Virginia Tech, 2024-12-02)
    This research investigates the impact of multi-source real-time information and mileage-based user fee (MBUF) on individuals' mode choice behavior. It examines the interaction between MBUF and socio-demographic variables for different trip purposes. This research designs two separate web-based surveys. Each survey has revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) components. The SP components consist of hypothetical scenarios to capture individuals' mode choice behavior based on real-time information and MBUF. The research develops a series of advanced econometric models using the collected survey data to understand the factors influencing individuals' mode choice behavior. The findings indicate that daily parking costs significantly impact individuals' mode choices and tend to discourage driving. Real-time information, such as parking space availability at workplaces and metro stations, encourages people to prefer drive and park & ride modes. Information on road closures and road accidents discourages people from driving, riding as auto-passengers, or taking TNC (Uber/Lyft) for trip purposes. Regarding MBUF, the results reveal that individuals are less likely to prefer motorized modes with the increased rate of MBUF. Full-time workers show more sensitivity towards MBUF for work trips, whereas college students are more sensitive to MBUF for recreational trips. Older adults are more sensitive to MBUF for work trips, and young individuals are more sensitive to MBUF for work and grocery/shopping trips. The results show that increased fuel costs, toll costs, bus fares, and delays reduce the likelihood of driving alone, carpooling, and transit. The findings of this research provide critical insights, supporting the implementation of evidence-based strategies to promote alternative sustainable transportation modes in the presence of real-time information and MBUF.
  • Dialogues with Nature: A Study on Nature as a Precedent for Form and Meaning in Architecture
    Murray, Kirsten Ring (Virginia Tech, 2024-11-22)
    The following research project examines the use of nature as a precedent for form and order in architecture. Includes a critical history of different beliefs and philosophies evident in Western thought. These principles are explored through the design of a complex of buildings and site interventions designed to promote a heightened sense of awareness of the natural surroundings, and to stimulate reflection on the relationship of the individual to nature and to the larger social collective.