Orientation Device

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Virginia Tech


Orientation Device is a tool for understanding the other towards recognizing alternative possibilities, for care and compassion, for expanding our culturally and politically bounded mindset, a tool of vital nausea and questioning compulsory heterosexuality. The work is a series of augmented reality (AR) experiences for mobile device that allow the audience to participate in documentary queer performances in any private or public setting. These immersive experiences challenge our perception of space. The LGBTQIA+ community is often disoriented within heteronormative spaces, and this work reverses that dichotomy by disorienting the audience. As a cisgender creator, I invite queer performers, artists, poets, and thinkers who express their identity in their creative practices. As the AR medium is widely distributable, I want to give the participants the potential opportunity to present themselves to a wide international audience through the poetics of augmented reality and documentary video holograms.



humanism, drag, LGBTQ, Sara Ahmed, queer, phenomenology, augmented reality, volumetric, documentary, holograms, Mikhail Bakhtin, carnivalesque, gender, performance, futurism, spatial, storytelling, interactive, architecture, Russia, USA, Ukraine

