Cultural Monument: The Future of The Past City

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Virginia Tech


“Things are changing, but nothing changes, and still there are changes.”

The rise of science and technology facilitate the means to an end. As it seem, many undeveloped countries are rapidly competing to be a part of a modern civilization. Through these rapid revolutions, civilization becomes perplex that also carries the hidden destruction of it’s past ordinary civilization and valuable culture. They replaced many historical building with high tech building. They build wider freeways that alters the urban and their lifestyle forever. Is there an end to a means? As Hannah once said, “Today civilization tends to be increasingly embroided in a never ending chain of ‘means and ends’. “How do we become modern and at the same time return to the Sources,” said Ricoeur.

Here I am writing this event at the present. With the past, I envision the future. However, this future will be its own past. This past is also at one time exist in the Present.



Cultural Monument

