Investigations of Horizontal-Parallax-Only Optical Scanning Holography (HPO-OSH) through MATLAB Simulations


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Virginia Tech


The concept of generating horizontal-parallax-only (HPO) holograms by computer simulations is investigated. The simulations in this thesis are based on Optical Scanning Holography (OSH) aimed at acquiring HPO information electronically. The principles of OSH, a technique that allows the extraction of 3-D information by a 2-D optical scan of the object is first summarized. The HPO principles and simulation scenarios are then discussed. In order to illustrate the ideas, holograms were created and reconstructed using MATLAB simulations. The holograms are simulated by convolving the Fresnel zone plates (FZP) with the object. The simulations focus on generating HPO holograms using 1-D FZPs modeled as 1-D Gaussian chirp beams of varying waists. An optical reconstruction scheme by cylindrical lens was proposed and simulated. Three-dimensional imaging using HPO-holograms was also discussed. Several reconstruction scenarios were investigated by digitally convolving the complex HPO-hologram with the free space impulse response or the Gaussian chirp beam. Although many ideas of HPO-holography have been proposed and studied, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposed electronic technique to acquire HPO-holographic information. The simulations demonstrate that holographic information reduction techniques also help to alleviate the problems associated with the restricted field of view upon holographic reconstruction for 3-D display. The simulations show that horizontal-parallax-only holography is an excellent way to reduce holographic information. Suggested future work includes actual optical experimentation to verify the ideas presented in this thesis.



digital holography, Horizontal-paraxial-only optical scanning holograp

