Development of Optimal Migration Plan for New Traffic Signal Controllers Using Gis and Multi-Criteria Decision Making


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Virginia Tech


Signal Replacement decisions are often made based on the experience of the Traffic Engineers. These decisions are made while considering the deployment time of the system, the new technology available, and the performance of the system in the given location. However, there is no set of proper guidelines or methods which can quantify the system replacement decision in large scale projects. This thesis presents a methodology that can be applied to determine optimal migration plans for traffic signal controllers. A Multi-Criteria Decision Making technique has been adopted to evaluate various traffic signal controllers. Various controller manuals were studied and information was obtained from the vendors of the controllers. In addition to that, Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used as a tool to evaluate and identify the areas where the traffic signal controllers have to be replaced first. The study considers the budget constraints and the benefits that can be obtained by the replacement of the controllers. This thesis presents the Methodology adopted for the Migration Plan and a case study implementation on the Northern Virginia Region. Finally it presents the conclusions drawn from the research with insights into the scope for further research.



Traffic Signal Controllers, Migration Plan, GIS, Multi-Criteria Decision Making

