Dynamic Architecture: A Study of Water and Building


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Virginia Tech


To design a successful space or building one must first understand the entire nature of the space. This thesis examines the dynamics of sport [purpose], water [element], and building [space]. The intentions of the project were to reveal the connection between architecture and purpose as well as building and nature. The thesis explores all of these areas using architectural practices and human experience.

The connections between the human dymanis and arcitectural dynamics became more evident throughout the thesis. Scale, proportion, movement and structure all played an important role in the final design of the space. In the pages to follow theses aspects will be depictd and described. It was my full intention to try and understand the defeinition of dynamic architecture, as well as create my own definition. The drawings, sketches, and models include a variety of scale, proportion, movement and structure. Each portion of the progamitic space was broken down and explored using these ideas. My final definition of dynamic architecture is expressed within the final drawings and images.



soccer, football, movement, park, flow, surface, structure, space

