Miniature gas sensing device based on near-infrared spectroscopy


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Virginia Tech


The identification and quantification of atoms, molecules, or ions concentrations in gaseous samples are in great demand for medical, environmental, industrial, law enforcement and national security applications. These applications require in situ, high-resolution, non-destructive, sensitive, miniature, inexpensive, rapid detection, remotely accessed, real time and continuously operating chemical sensing devices. The aim of this work is to design a miniature optical sensing device that is capable of detecting and measuring chemical species, compatible with being integrated into a large variety of monitoring systems, and durable enough to be used under extreme conditions.

The miniature optical sensor has been realized by employing technologies from the optical communication industry and spectroscopic methods and techniques. Fused silica capillary tubing along with standard communication optical fibers have been utilized to make miniature gas sensor based on near-infrared spectroscopy for acetylene gas detection.

In this work, the basic principles of infrared spectroscopy are reviewed. Also, the principle of operation, fabrication, testing, and analysis of the proposed sensor are discussed in details.



fused silica capillary tubing, hollow-core dielectric waveguides, chemical sensing, acetylene, near-IR spectroscopy, the Beer-Lambert law, molecular motion, optical fiber sensors

