Bit error rate simulation enhancement and outage prediction in mobile communication systems

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Virginia Tech


This thesis presents enhancements made to software designed for simulating digital mobile radio communication systems. Internally generated two-ray Rayleigh fading channel models as well as imported spatially varying complex channel impulse responses can be utilized in simulations. Implementation of receiver timing jitter and timing recovery models, as well as modifications of the channel generation (two-ray model) and conversion (imported channel), are among the enhancements that have been added.

The bit error rate and outage performance of the simulator is compared with analytical results. A study of the impact of the distribution of magnitude and phase components within a channel impulse response is performed. A study utilizing both timing recovery and timing jitter models is also included.

It has been found that for site specific BER and outage prediction, more descriptive channel parameters than narrowband fading statistics and statistical moments of a channel's power delay profile are needed. The studies also indicate that for simulations of channels with large delay spread timing recovery is essential.



Cellular telephone systems

