Tell Me Where To Hide My Mouth


Tell Me Where To Hide My Mouth is a collection of poetry whose central theme is a woman's journey towards redemption. The redemptive struggle plays out in various scenarios, stalls, hesitates, regresses, slowly and abruptly begins, but never ends. The hesitance, the anticipation during the redemptive journey, and the way this journey weaves back and forth within itself is represented in four separate sections: "My Insect Heart", "No One Warns You of This", "The Body Without Yes", and "Tell Me Where to Hide my Mouth". The poems in each section are separated by my own creative design relative to four central themes revolving around the redemptive journey: love; loss and sacrifice; social consciousness, and confessional history telling through the reflection of my relationship to the physical landscape. Although the collection is not chronological, it is a lyric narrative with linear characteristics. It is my hope that the reader enters any place within the collection they wish, but is eventually drawn to the beginning to read through to the end, and experience a redemptive journey themselves.



Poetry, silence, words

