Error Analysis of Angle and Range Estimation in a Range Limited Antenna System Using Music and Modified Root Pisarenko Algorithms

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Virginia Tech


The Range Limited Antenna (RLA) has the ability to track and pin-point RF devices operating within a certain accepted range. Using two antenna arrays, each made up of several elements, direction-finding algorithms such as MUSIC and Modified Root Pisarenko (MRP) are used to estimate the angles of arrival of incoming signals. Using the estimated angles of arrival, a range estimation algorithm is used to estimate the distance of the emitter from the antenna array.

The aim of this thesis is to check the sensitivity of the range estimation and to form a statistical analysis for such conditions. Conditions of error are introduced into the system and several extensive Monte Carlo simulations are run for both MUSIC and MRP. Upon simulating physical errors in the antenna set-up, it is realized that the range estimation algorithm is sensitive to the slightest of phase shift differences, cable loss differences, mixer mismatches, and antenna mismatches.



Range Limited Antenna, Direction-finding algorithms, MUSIC, Modified Root Pisarenko

