Development and analysis of computer aided design and drafting software for storm sewers

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


A software package has been developed for the IBM personal computer that aids engineers in storm sewer design and drafting.

The most unique feature of this software package is its extensive use of the AutoCAD graphics system. The software package uses AutoCAD to enter storm sewer data. Drainage areas, sewer line locations, type of structures, and all other hydrologic parameters can be entered. The software also creates plan and profile drawings of the storm sewer system through AutoCAD. There are other unique features. The software can calculate the hydraulic grade line for the system. If the user enters street centerlines and widths, the program can automatically calculate the exact coordinates for drainage inlet structures located on streets. If contour lines are entered, the program will determine the surface profile above the sewer lines, calculate the approximate elevations of the structures, and check for minimum ground cover when designing the storm sewer system.

Data can be entered two ways in AutoCAD. The first way is to simply enter the numeric values for the parameters. The second way is to enter the raw data and let the program calculate the parameters. An example of this would be, entering a drainage area polygon and letting the program calculate the drainage area, weighted runoff coefficient and the time of concentration.

This software allows the engineer to design and later make changes in the configuration of a storm sewer system quickly and easily.



