A Heuristic Approach To Designing A Unique Ships Grid With Energy Storage for the Future Fleet of River Tender Ships

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Virginia Tech


This work discusses the implementation of a Unique Ships Grid design that utilizes Energy Storage. This Unique Ships Grid is used to enhance the efficiency of a Construction Single-Hull River Tender previously discussed and assessed by the Army Corps of Engineers and the United States Coast Guard (USCG). This Grid Design is shown to be both in compliance with applicable regulations and reliable due to built-in redundancy. Compliance with regulations and redundancy are both prized by the Maritime Community and the USCG. An applicable Heuristic Design Methodology is provided in conjunction with the Unique Ships Grid. This Design Methodology can be used with a simple load analysis and results in a Load Center breakdown and the sizing of Cables, Generators, Inverter, and required Energy Storage. This design process is shown to provide an inherent margin for growth and safety. This design process is quick and results in values necessary to do a cost analysis, environmental impact survey, and stability analysis (Ship Stability not Electrical Stability).



Shipboard Power Systems, Energy Storage, Shipboard Power Grid, Generator Sizing, Maritime Industry

