Modelling of a Bio-inspired Bistable Structure for Potential Application in Fish Telemetry Tags

dc.contributor.authorBhalerao, Mrunal Vinayen
dc.contributor.committeechairZuo, Leien
dc.contributor.committeechairBarry, Oumaren
dc.contributor.committeememberHajj, Muhammad Ramizen
dc.contributor.departmentMechanical Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractMonitoring of aquatic life is important for assessing long-term impacts on activities associated with fish stock and migration. One promising approach for long-term monitoring involves the development of self-powered telemetry devices capable of powering themselves by harnessing energy from the fish body undulations using implanted devices or from fluid motions generated by fish swimming using external devices. One of the latter devices is a broadband low frequency nonlinear bistable energy harvester. This cost-effective harvester has been inspired from the doubly curved leaf blades of a Venus-fly trap. This work ex- amines the static behavior of such a bio-inspired bistable energy harvester by analyzing its force-displacement characteristics. The objective is to identify crucial design parameters to optimize the harvester's performance for potential application in self-powered fish telemetry tags. The unique characteristics of the hysteresis loop and snap-through discontinuity of the bistable structure are investigated using experimentation and finite element analysis. The finite element model is found to qualitatively replicate experimental observations. Addition- ally, geometrical and assembly parameters that affect the force-displacement behavior of the harvester are identified. A sensitivity analysis is performed to determine the effect of the aspect ratio, buckling displacement and thickness of the proposed harvester on the static force-displacement curve. The sensitivity analysis has highlighted that the assembly and geometric parameters of the bistable structure affect multiple aspects of the force-displacement behavior simultaneously. Hence, analytical modeling has been attempted using the theory of lateral torsional buckling to further investigate the complex influence of the said parameters.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralWith the ongoing pursuit to enhance quality of life and accommodate the needs of a growing population, water resources are increasingly being used for various economic activities such as energy production, fish farming, and transportation, among others. Fish telemetry serves as a valuable tool to understand the long-term ecological impacts of such economic activities to ensure their sustainable growth. Taking inspiration from the leaf blades of the Venus flytrap an innovative, cost-effective nonlinear system with the potential to be integrated into telemetry tags is developed. This unique system scavenges energy from the ambient environment to power telemetry tags thus making telemetry tags self sustaining and removing the reliance on batteries. This study delves into the behavior of this proposed system, aiming to optimize its performance for potential use in self-powered fish telemetry tags. Through a comprehensive approach involving experimentation, numerical simulations, and analytical modeling, key design parameters influencing the efficiency of the energy harvester are identified. The findings highlight how assembly and geometric factors impact the performance of the system. This research offers insights that could lead to significant advancements in aquatic life monitoring technology, facilitating more effective and sustainable management of water resources.en
dc.description.degreeMaster of Scienceen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectBio-inspired Bistable Structureen
dc.subjectStatic Simulationen
dc.subjectHysteresis Loopen
dc.subjectLateral Torsional Bucklingen
dc.titleModelling of a Bio-inspired Bistable Structure for Potential Application in Fish Telemetry Tagsen
dc.typeThesisen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen of Scienceen


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