Edamame Yield and Quality Response to Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilizers


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As United States farmers adapt soybean (Glycine max) production methods from oilseed to vegetable (edamame), key management practices will need to be considered. The key objective of this study was to determine the optimal nitrogen (N) rate and N application timing for edamame in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain system. The study was conducted for three years in Painter, VA, USA on sandy loam soils. A factorial arrangement of four N rates was applied with two application timing strategies: at-planting, and split application. Leaf tissue samples were collected and analyzed at R1. At harvest, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was measured, whole pods were mechanically collected, and yield was recorded. Additionally, pod and bean physical and chemical quality were assessed. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased pod yield in two out of three years. R1 leaf N and sulfur (S) concentrations correlated to the yield, and R1 leaf and R6 whole-plant N concentrations correlated to the total N uptake. None of the tested parameters indicated that N fertilizer decreased yield or quality. In conclusion, we found that N fertilizer applied at planting may aid edamame yield and profit for sandy loam soils in the mid-Atlantic, USA.



fertilizer rate, fertilizer timing, maturity, nutrient management, soybean, vegetable quality


Brooks, K.; Reiter, M.; Zhang, B.; Mott, J. Edamame Yield and Quality Response to Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilizers. Agronomy 2023, 13, 1865.