Automatic Esophageal Intubation Detection Using Giant Magneto Resistance Sensors
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This thesis will cover the principle, design, and construction of an automatic esophageal intubation detector. This device uses a giant magneto recitative sensor to and a magnetized stylet to automatically measure the position of an ET tube in a person's throat. This method is less subjective than currently used methods such as end tidal CO2, as it does not rely on user interpretation of data or physiological state of the patient. The device developed during this project was tested on an anatomical mockup, a porcine airway model, and an intubation training dummy. In all three tests, the device performed well, accurately indicating tracheal intubation when the tube was placed in the trachea. Only one instance of a false positive indication of tracheal intubation was recorded and this occurred in an atypical and avoidable situation. As of now, the device functions in non-obese adult male patients, but plans are in place to increase usability for the entire population.