Response to visual threats in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
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Blood-feeding mosquitoes, by transmitting parasites and viruses to their hosts, kill several hundred thousand people every year. Mosquito populations are currently developing raising levels of insecticide resistance, and there is a need for a better understanding of their behavior so that new control solutions can be imagined, and existing ones can be improved. There has been a vast number of studies examining the host seeking behavior of mosquitoes, however there is a lack of knowledge concerning how mosquitoes are evading the threats their hosts pose via their defensive behaviors. Female mosquitoes are indeed in this unique position where their fitness and reproduction depend on them being able to locate hosts as well as evade them. In order to do this, they rely on sensory cues that they must be able to continuously re-evaluate during host tracking to potentially decide to quickly escape at any point during these interactions. Host seeking is mediated by multiple sensory modalities such as vision, olfaction, and thermosensation. However, it is not clear whether mosquitoes may also be using some of these same cues to identify that their host is turning into a threat. Focusing solely on visual cues in the context of escape behavior, we used a looming stimulus to elicit escape responses from the Yellow Fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. A virtual reality environment was adapted from previous work, to display the looming stimulus while the mosquito is in a variety of conditions (i.e., landed, in free or tethered flight). Results from these experiments allowed us to characterize the escape responses of mosquitoes, by determining the angles and distances to the stimuli that will most likely trigger an avoidance response.