On Demand Mobility Cargo Demand Estimation

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Virginia Tech


Recent developments in the shipping industry have opened some unprecedented trade opportunities on various levels. Be it individual consumption or business needs, the thought of receiving a package on the same day or within 4-hour from some other business or industry in the urban area is worth appreciating. The congestion on ground transportation modes is higher than ever. Since currently the same-day delivery in urban areas is carried mainly by ground modes, the catchment area of this delivery service is limited.

The On-Demand Mobility for cargo can elevate the concept of express shipping in revolutionary ways. It will not only increase the catchment area thereby encompassing more business and consumers but will also expedite the delivery as these vehicles will fly over the ground traffic.

The objective of this study was to estimate the total demand for ODM Cargo operations and study its effect on ODM passenger operations. The area of interest for this study was Northern California (17 counties). Annual cargo flows in the study area were rigorously analyzed through databases like Transearch, Freight Analysis Framework-4, and T-100 International for freight. The results of this study are presented through a parametric analysis of market share. The end product also includes the flight trajectories (with flight plan) of daily ODM cargo flights in the study region.

The On-Demand Mobility cargo operations are expected to complement passenger On-Demand Mobility operations. Therefore, the effect of ODM cargo operations on the passenger ODM operations was also analyzed in this study. The major challenge faced in this study was the unavailability of datasets with the desired level of details and refinements. Since the movement of cargo is mostly done by private companies, the detailed records of shipments are often not public knowledge.



On-Demand Mobility, eVTOL, Cargo

