Computational study of hub corner stall in an axial compressor rotor
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The Deverson rotor, a single stage axial compressor designed to simulate a multistage axial compressor, was studied computationally using a 3-D Navier-Stokes solver, the Moore Elliptic Flow Program. A one equation, q-L, transitional turbulence model was used with MEFP for closure of the transport equations. The calculation was used to study the physics and flow mechanisms affecting hub corner stall. Preprocessing and post processing programs were written to aid this study, a grid generation program and a streakline visualization program, respectively.
First, computational 2-D cascade studies were performed to study the effects of free stream turbulence level and incidence angle on suction surface boundary layer development. The results showed the correct trends in boundary layer transition and separation, loss production, and deviation angles.
Velocity measurements taken at the exit of the Deverson rotor were made available by Rolls-Royce for comparison with the 3-D calculation results. The q-L turbulence model predicted the existence of the hub comer stall, but under predicted the size of the corner stall. It failed to predict the radial migration of the associated loss core. However, the calculation did reveal details of the flow that affect comer stall. These included boundary layer transition and separation on the suction surface, hub and suction surface secondary flows, and radial relief. Streaklines were useful in visualizing and understanding these flow details.
A preliminary 3-D calculation was performed with a two-equation, q-w, turbulence model. This turbulence model more accurately predicted the comer stall including radial migration of the loss core.