Soluble fiber and resistant starch components in some Indian and Canadian wheat varieties and in a wheat-soy product - Chapati
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This study aimed to quantify resistant starch (RS) beta-glucans (BG) and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) in Indian and Canadian wheat varieties and in chapaties made from these; and to assess the effects of soy flour on the levels of these components and its effects on the sensory and functional properties of the wheat-soy chapaties. Seven wheat varieties (Indian / Canadian) were milled into flour; supplemented with 0 % (control), 10 %, 20 % or 30 % defatted soy flour and made into chapaties. Flours and chapaties (freeze-dried, pulverized) were assayed for BG, FOS, RS and simple sugars (glucose / sucrose). Sensory evaluation was carried out by (9 point) hedonic rating of chapaties by 20 untrained Indian panelists. Flour water-holding capacity and water absorption indices (WAI) were determined. RS content of flours ranged from 7.1 g/100 g to 12.6 g/100g, but decreased when made into chapaties, (< 1 g/100 g), and decreased further with soy flour addition. BG content in flours ranged from 0.8 g/100 g to 1.4 g/100 g, while FOS content ranged from 1.3 g/100 g to 2.3 g/100 g. Minimal changes were observed in BG and FOS content when made into chapaties. Simple sugars were minimal in flours and chapaties. WAI of wheat flour was increased with addition of soy bean flour. Addition of up to 30 % soybean flour elevated the sensory acceptability of chapaties. While there is a decrease in RS with chapati making, the levels of BG and FOS are largely unchanged with processing.