Re-engineering software for integration using computer aided software engineering
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This research addresses the problem of integrating software at a high level of integration (analysis or design level) using Computer Aided Software Engineering. The assumption is made that the source code of the two applications to be integrated is available in language C or FORTRAN 77. Following the research done by Sandra Pennington (Penn91) and Michele Grieshaber (Grie91) on this subject, a new analysis has been led. Sandra Pennington (Penn91) conceived and proposed an "Integration CASE workbench" to support an integrator in his task of integrating two software.
The Integration Source Code Analyzer (ISCA), one of the components of the Integration CASE workbench has been designed and implemented as well as some utilities and features supporting the integration of software. Relevant information is extracted from the source code by a parsing tool. The input to this tool is the source code of the software to be integrated and their call trees generated by the TeamworkjC Rev reverse engineering toolkit. A database of the relevant information is created and can be consulted via the ISCA Display Manager developed using the Motif window manager. The Teamwork CASE workbench provides an interactive environment to lead the analysis and the design of software, automating standard structured methodologies in software development, Some features have been developed to extend the Teamwork capabilities and to import information into its environment. Some new utilities to help the integrator visualize a structure chart around a selected module have been developed and included in the environment using Teamwork User Menus capabilities. The parsing tool embedded in the environment can also be used as a stand-alone tool to lead re-engineering operations on software.