Poster Presentation: University Libraries Spring 2014 Survey

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The Office of Assessment, University Libraries, Virginia Tech, conducted a libraries usage and satisfaction survey in March & April 2014. The purpose of this study was to collect information about the satisfaction of Virginia Tech Library users, based on their interaction with spaces, resources, and services. Survey questions were designed to determine how users are using the library and what changes can be made for future growth in these areas. A survey invitation linked to a 15-item mixed methods survey was sent via email to all Virginia Tech Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students and 25% of undergraduate students identified by Virginia Tech’s Office of Institutional Research as being representative of the total undergraduate population. The survey was open from March 24 to April 7, 2014. 754 unique responses were recorded, a 10% response rate. This poster presentation provides an overview of survey findings, including: frequency of library use by user type, findings per library facility, average length of time per visit, reported activities, and reported levels of satisfaction by service used.


Presented January 13, 2015 at the University Libraries, Virginia Tech, Learning Division Open House.


Library, services, evaluation, assessment, 2014, usage survey, University Libraries
