KAI Foundation Five Podcast, Episode 4: Welcome to the Land of Getting Things Done - The Creative Adaptors

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KAI Distribution Centre Ltd


Welcome to Part 4 of the KAI Foundation Five Podcast Series, our five part introduction to building better teams and great leaders with the Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory.

KAI is the world’s foremost measure for problem solving style. It’s used widely to create cohesive and productive teams and effective leaders. It’s been in use for about 40 years and is supported by a large body of academic research from around the world.

In these five podcasts we want to provide you with an understanding of why KAI is so effective, so powerful and indeed life changing for many teams and team leaders. As Kirton himself said, “The better I know myself, the more I can help others.” Today’s fourth part is entitled “Welcome to the Land of Getting Things Done – The Creative Adaptors” and in it we’re going to be looking specifically at the role and effectiveness of the leaders and team members on the more adaptive end of the KAI inventory, and how vital – but often unrecognised – they are in achieving the goals of teams and organisations.


