An Open Textbook Approach to OER: VIVA & the Open Textbook Network


In the Spring of 2016, VIVA joined the Open Textbook Network (OTN) -- a growing collaboration of schools, universities, and institutions that promotes access, affordability, and student success through the use of open textbooks. Nominated by their Deans or Directors, three new system leaders were selected by VIVA to attend the Open Textbook Network Summer Institute at the University of Minnesota, and over thirty campus leaders throughout Virginia were selected to attend Campus Leader Training in early October 2016. VIVA representatives discussed their decision to join the OTN and their hopes for the future. Selected campus leaders discussed what they learned, plans for their institutions and in collaboration with one another.



Open Educational Resources, Open textbooks, Open Textbook Network, Virginia Library Association, Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA), Collaboration
