Present use and future needs of selected Virginia home computer owners

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Virginia Tech


The study was designed to identify how home computers were being used by 200 selected home computer owners living in Richmond, Virginia. The 1984 study identified the expressed problems these owners experienced using home computers and determined what changes or information the owners believed were needed to use the computer more effectively.

The most commonly used home computer applications were personal word processing, entertainment, and work related word processing. Many home computer owners indicated that no factor had prevented them from using their computer. Those indicating that some factor had prevented their use, reported the high cost of software, the lack of useful software, and unclear or incorrect instructions presented problems.

Males were much more likely than females to be the principal computer user. Consistent with Rogers (1983) diffusion theory, most computer owners did use personal sources during their prepurchase information search.

Statistically significant differences existed between the owners satisfaction with hardware and the number of products and services used and between overall satisfaction and the amount spent on software. Significant inverse relationships indicated that those respondents who spent less on hardware and had less random access memory had higher levels of overall satisfaction than those who spent more on hardware and had more random access memory. Recommendations included methods of individualizing service and assistance for owners after the purchase.



