A study of the infrared spectrum of sulphur from 2 to 55 microns and a temperature analysis of the observed absorption bands

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute


A 2 to 55 micron spectrum was obtained for sulfur in its three thermodynamic phases and at three temperatures covering a range of 320%. A temperature analysis was performed in order to identify the three infrared active fundamental vibrations in the Sg molecule. The analysis indicates that the infrared fundamentals are the observed bands located at 41.6 μ and 52.3 μ, which is in good agreement with the assignment of Scott, Mcullough and Kruse. Less conclusive results were found for the identification of third infrared fundamental. Intermolecular coupling in the crystal was found to have a pronounced effect on its infrared transmission spectrum. A Raman active fundamental of Ss was observed at 46.7 μ in the infrared spectra of both the crystal and liquid sulfur specimens. The identification of this band as a Raman fundamental of Sg was made from an analysis of the free Sg molecule in solution where this band did not appear. Further evidence of the strong intermolecular forces present in the crystal showed up as a shift in wavelength of the 52.3 μ band in solution to 50.6 μ in the solid state. A large number of overtone or combination bands not previously observed were found around the low frequency infrared fundamental.

The extensive data collected in this experiment provided a check to the work of Scott, McCullough and Kruse. Splitting was observed in absorption bands at 41.6 μ and 52.3 μ where no splitting was seen for the 21.5 μ band. These observations seem to contradict Scott’s assignment as this assignment designated the 21.5 μ and 52.3 μ fundamentals as degenerate and the 41.6 μ infrared fundamental as non-degenerate.

The bands occurring at 41.6 μ and 50.6 μ in the crystal were so intense as to seemingly rule out its application to infrared systems below 55 microns.



