Applying Information Visualization Techniques to Visual Debugging


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Virginia Tech


In the arena of software development, implementing a software design (no matter how perfect the design) is rarely done right the first time. Consequently, debugging one's own (or someone else's) software is inevitable, and tools that assist in this often-arduous task become very important with respect to reducing the cost of debugging as well as the cost of the software life cycle as a whole. Many tools exist with this aim, but all are lacking in a key area: information visualization. Applying information visualization techniques such as zooming, focus and context, or graphical representation of numeric data may enhance the visual debugging experience. To this end, drawing data structures as graphs is potentially a step in the right direction, but more must be done to maximize the value of time spent debugging and to minimize the actual amount of time spent debugging. This thesis will address some information visualization techniques that may be helpful in debugging (specifically with respect to visual debugging) and will present the results of a small pilot study intended to illustrate the potential value of such techniques.



zooming, overview+detail, panning, focus+context, debugging, visual debugging

