Improvements to The Global Oceanic Model and Performance Assessment of The North Atlantic Organized Track System

dc.contributor.authorLiang, Yanqien
dc.contributor.committeechairTrani, Antonio A.en
dc.contributor.committeememberAbbas, Montasir M.en
dc.contributor.committeememberWang, Linbingen
dc.contributor.departmentCivil and Environmental Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents a performance assessment of flight operations in the North Atlantic Organized Track System (OTS) using the Global Oceanic Model. The main contributions of the study are: a) improvements to the logic of the Global Oceanic Model; b) prediction of benefits among various aircraft separation minima and operational policies to assign flights to tracks in the OTS system; and c) forecast of OTS traffic over North Atlantic from 2020 to 2040. The preliminary results show that a concept of operation with longitudinal separation minima of 15 nm and information of the flight cost matrix provides average fuel savings of 93 kilograms per flight using 2020 traffic. The fuel savings increase to 170 kilograms per flight using traffic levels expected in the year 2040. A new operational track assignment routine is developed and it could save around 40 kilograms per flight compared with the current concept of operations. The study results show a shortage of capacity of the Organized Track System in the future. The analysis shows that the OTS configuration used today and in 2020 is unable to accommodate the traffic projected in 2040. The analysis concludes that more tracks will be needed to maintain an acceptable level of service.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralThe North Atlantic Organized Track System (OTS) are directional tracks for aircraft to fly between North America and Europe. This thesis presents a performance assessment of flight operations in the North Atlantic using a computer simulation model -- Global Oceanic Model. The main contributions of the study are: a) improvements to the logic of the Global Oceanic Model; b) prediction of benefits among various aircraft separation minima and operational policies to assign flights to tracks in the OTS system; and c) forecast of OTS traffic over Atlantic from 2020 to 2040. The preliminary results show that the predicted average fuel savings in the year 2020 are 93 kilograms per flight when aircraft are separated 15 nm longitudinally and assigned to tracks based on the flight cost matrix. The average fuel savings increase to 170 kilograms per flight using traffic levels expected in the year 2040. Additionally, a new operational track assignment routine is developed and it could save around 40 kilograms per flight compared with the current concept of operations. In conclusion, the Organized Track System configuration used today may be unable to accommodate the traffic projected in the year 2040. The shortage of capacity of the OTS indicates that more tracks will be needed to maintain an acceptable level of service.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectNorth Atlantic Organized Track Systemen
dc.subjectSimulation Modelen
dc.subjectReduced Separationen
dc.subjectFuel Consumptionen
dc.subjectLevel of Serviceen
dc.titleImprovements to The Global Oceanic Model and Performance Assessment of The North Atlantic Organized Track Systemen
dc.typeThesisen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen


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