Modeling the Metabolic Reductions of a Passive Back-Support Exoskeleton
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Despite several attempts to quantify the metabolic savings resulting from the use of passive back-support exoskeletons (BSEs), no study has modeled the metabolic change while wearing an exoskeleton during lifting. The objectives of this study were to: 1) quantify the metabolic reductions due to the VT-Lowe's exoskeleton during lifting; and 2) provide a comprehensive model to estimate the metabolic reductions from using a passive BSE. In this study, 15 healthy adults (13M, 2F) of ages 20 to 34 years (mean=25.33, SD=4.43) performed repeated freestyle lifting and lowering of an empty box and a box with 20% of their bodyweight. Oxygen consumption and metabolic expenditure data were collected. A model for metabolic expenditure was developed and fitted with the experimental data of two prior studies and the without-exoskeleton experimental results. The metabolic cost model was then modified to reflect the effect of the exoskeleton. The experimental results revealed that VT-Lowe's exoskeleton significantly lowered the oxygen consumption by ~9% for an empty box and 8% for a 20% bodyweight box, which corresponds to a net metabolic cost reduction of ~12% and ~9%, respectively. The mean metabolic difference (i.e., without-exo minus with-exo) and the 95% confidence interval were 0.36 and (0.2-0.52) [Watts/kg] for 0% bodyweight, and 0.43 and (0.18-0.69) [Watts/kg] for 20% bodyweight. Our modeling predictions for with-exoskeleton conditions were precise, with absolute freestyle prediction errors of <2.1%. The model developed in this study can be modified based on different study designs, and can assist researchers in enhancing designs of future lifting exoskeletons.