Nonholonomic Control Utilizing Kinematic Constraints of Differential and Ackermann Steering Based Platforms

dc.contributor.authorShoemaker, Adamen
dc.contributor.committeechairLeonessa, Alexanderen
dc.contributor.committeecochairKurdila, Andrew J.en
dc.contributor.committeememberSouthward, Steve C.en
dc.contributor.departmentMechanical Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractA nonholonomic tracking controller is designed and adapted to work with both differential steering and Ackermann steering based platforms whose dynamics are represented using a unicycle model. The goal of this work is to find a relatively simple approach that offers a practical alternative to bulky and expensive algorithms, but still bolsters applicability where many other lightweight algorithms are too lax. The hope is that this alternative will offer a straightforward approach for groups interested in autonomous vehicle research but who do not have the resources or personnel to implement more complex solutions. In the first phase of this work, saturation constraints based on differential drive kinematics are added to ensure that the vehicle behaves intuitively and does not exceed user defined limitations. A new strategy for mapping commands back into a viable envelope is introduced, and the restrictions are accounted for using Lyapunov stability criteria. This stage of work is validated through simulation and experimentation. Following the development of differential drive methods, similar techniques are applied to Ackermann steering kinematic constraints. An additional saturation algorithm is presented, which likewise is accounted for using Lyapunov stability criteria. As with the differential case, the Ackermann design is validated through simulation and experimentation. Overall, the results presented in this work demonstrate that the developed algorithms show significant promise and offer a lightweight, practical solution to the problem of vehicle tracking control.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralIn this work, a position controller for ground vehicles is developed. The algorithm takes into account the constraints of both Ackermann and differential drive platforms. A simplistic model is used for the initial development of this control algorithm, and more rigid constraints are added based on the intended platform. The goal of this work is to find a relatively simple approach that offers a practical alternative to bulky and expensive algorithms, but still bolsters applicability where many other lightweight algorithms are too lax. The hope is that this alternative will offer a straightforward approach for groups interested in autonomous vehicle research, but who do not have the resources or personnel to implement more complex solutions. Throughout this work, we present the theoretical development as well as simulation and experiments to verify the efficacy of our approach. Overall, the results presented in this work demonstrate that the developed algorithms show significant promise and offer a lightweight, practical solution to the problem of vehicle tracking control.en
dc.description.degreeMaster of Scienceen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectSaturation Constraintsen
dc.subjectAckermann Controlen
dc.subjectDifferential Steering Controlen
dc.subjectMobile Robotsen
dc.subjectNonholonomic Systemsen
dc.titleNonholonomic Control Utilizing Kinematic Constraints of Differential and Ackermann Steering Based Platformsen
dc.type.dcmitypeTexten Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen of Scienceen


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