Forest Composition, Regeneration, and Tree Quality in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia: Selective Cutting vs. Shelterwood


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Virginia Tech


This study compared the effects of selective cutting (SC) and the first shelterwood (SW) cut in oak (Quercus)-dominated forests of western Virginia. The specific attributes compared were: (1) tree species composition; (2) seedling, sapling, and overstory tree density; (3) overstory tree quality and size; (4) sapling crown class; and (5) canopy closure. Seedlings, saplings, and overstory trees were sampled at 22 SC and 28 SW sites. Significant differences identified between the two harvest types included: biodiversity of overstory and seedling layers; species densities for seedlings, saplings, and overstory trees; species composition across forest layers; and average canopy closure. Regeneration was poorer on SC than on SW, especially among oak species where SC oak seedling density averaged 5,651 stems ha-1 and SW oak seedling density averaged 9,843 stems ha-1. Selective cutting and SW may both contribute to mesophication of oak-dominated forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains; however, SC resulted in a higher percentage of mesic species post-harvest, and the SW tended to have more oak regeneration.



oak regeneration, selective cutting, shelterwood, high-grading, diameter-limit cut

