Flame Surface Density Measurements and Curvature Statistics for Turbulent Premixed Bunsen Flames

dc.contributor.authorCapil, Tyler Georgeen
dc.contributor.committeechairMa, Linen
dc.contributor.committeememberDeng, Weiweien
dc.contributor.committeememberTarazaga, Pablo Albertoen
dc.contributor.departmentMechanical Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractIn this work, turbulent premixed combustion was analyzed through CH (methylidyne) planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF). Flame topography measurements in terms of flame surface density and curvature were calculated based on the flame front detected by the CH PLIF signal. The goal of this work was to investigate turbulent flames with extremely high turbulence intensity using a recently developed HiPilot burner (a Bunsen-type burner). The studies were first conducted on a series of piloted jet flames to validate the methodology, and then conducted on the highly turbulent flames generated by the HiPilot burner. All flames were controlled by combusting methane and air under a fuel to air equivalence ratio of Φ=1.05, and the Reynolds number varied from 7,385 to 28,360. Flame surface density fields and profiles for the HiPilot burner are presented. These flame surface density measurements showed an overall decrease with height above the burner. In addition, curvature statistics for the HiPilot flames were calculated and probability density functions of the curvature samples were determined. The probability density functions of curvature for the flames showed Gaussian-shaped distributions centered near zero curvature. To conclude, flame topography measurements were verified on jet flames and were demonstrated on the new HiPilot flames.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralOptical diagnostics are powerful techniques that enable the study of turbulent flames without physical interruption. The optical diagnostic technique in this thesis implemented planar laser induced fluorescence. In planar laser induced fluorescence, a laser is used to excite a specific molecular species present within a two-dimensional plane in the flame. The excited species releases the extra energy by emission of light which is the signal captured on a camera. One useful purpose of using optical diagnostics, such as planar laser induced fluorescence, is the ability to image the flame structure of turbulent flames. The flame structure is significant for two reasons. First, the flame structure details how the chemistry of the flame interacts with the turbulent flow field. Second, the flame structure is directly related to the burning rate of the reactants. The primary contribution of this thesis investigated the two-dimensional flame structure of a newly designed burner named the HiPilot burner. However, in order to strengthen the fidelity of the methods for determining certain flame structure quantities a precursive analysis on the classical jet flame was completed. The results acquired show structural measurements of the HiPilot flames which contribute to the repository of data for the combustion communityen
dc.description.degreeMaster of Scienceen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectflame surface densityen
dc.subjectflame curvatureen
dc.subjectCH PLIFen
dc.subjectHiPilot burneren
dc.titleFlame Surface Density Measurements and Curvature Statistics for Turbulent Premixed Bunsen Flamesen
thesis.degree.disciplineMechanical Engineeringen
thesis.degree.grantorVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen
thesis.degree.nameMaster of Scienceen


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