An urban axis meets the waterfront: pleasurepier as termination
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It is the intention of this thesis to present not only a visual exploration of a design problem, but also an explanation of a particular design process.
It is fashionable these days for a designer to make statements about his design philosophy as a way of legitimizing his architectural intentions. My aim is to avoid this kind of justification by instead presenting the project as a process description. This description will make my beliefs and intentions both evident and understandable to those unfamiliar with my work as well as provide a personal record of the project’s development.
To date my architecture education has been shaped in different countries, through different educational systems, and with different teachers and students. This thesis stands as a record of my accumulated experiences and as a description of a personal approach to working with architectural problems. I believe the most important part of an architecture education is the development of one‘s own design process.
This exposition represents a beginning.