The evaluation of the Arp-Varnum respirator as as anesthesia ventilator while delivering three percent halothane and air mixture
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This study presents the evaluation of the Arp-Varnum Respirator as an anesthesia ventilator while delivering three percent Halothane and air mixture. The system is designed for neonates suffering from Respiratory Distress Syndrome (R.D.S.). This disease, which is also called hyaline membrane disease, causes the death of an estimated 25,000 newborn infants each year.
The respirator is a volume-limited assister-controller-type respirator capable of delivering volumes from 5 ml. to 250 ml. Flow rate is adjustable from 1 liter per minute to 20 liters per minute. The patient may trigger the respirator to deliver a preset volume of air by exerting as little as 0.5 mm. H₂0 negative pressure. Any two gases may be mixed and delivered to a patient in any ratio or concentration desired.
The respirator described in this study has been used to deliver three percent Halothane to seven rabbits for twenty-one test runs.
From this study it is believed that the Arp-Varnum respirator can adequately ventilate and oxygenate a patient while delivering three percent Halothane.