The Anamorphic Library

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Virginia Tech


This thesis examines the idea of perspective, specifically anamorphic perspective, and how anamorphosis can be applied to architecture. Anamorphosis is a distorted image that appears regular only from a certain point. With a focus on anamorphosis, perspectival drawings became the key component in the design of the library. Perspectives have been embodied in architecture; however, they remained limited to the realm of illusion, distinct from constructed reality. The library contains this duality of illusionism and realism. Similar to reading a book, one might get lost in the story, imagine themself as one of the characters, and question if they are in reality, or in the illusion of the book.

To further enforce this falsehood, the library holds fictional books, ranging from fairy tales to mythological books.

The library is constructed with three main corridors, which wrap around the inner core, an open-air courtyard. The corridors contain the illusion while the "reality" resides adjacent to these corridors. This gives the spectator a chance to witness the stage of the illusion and the behind-the-scenes of the illusion, the reality.



Architecture, Anamorphosis, Perspective, Alexandria, Library

