Neuroscience for Engineering Sustainability: Measuring Cognition During Design Ideation and Systems Thinking Among Students in Engineering

dc.contributor.authorHu, Moen
dc.contributor.committeechairShealy, Earl W.en
dc.contributor.committeememberPanneton, Robin K.en
dc.contributor.committeememberGrohs, Jacob R.en
dc.contributor.departmentCivil and Environmental Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractSustainability is inherently a complex problem that requires new ways of thinking. To solve grand challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, and poverty, engineers cannot rely on the same models of thinking that were used to create these problems. Engineering education is therefore critical to advance sustainable engineering solutions. Improving education relies on understanding of cognition of thinking and designing for sustainability. In this thesis, a nascent neuroimaging technology called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to measure cognition among engineering students thinking about sustainability. fNIRS provides an opportunity to investigate how sustainability in design influences cognition, and how different concept generation techniques help students consider many aspects related to sustainability. The first manuscript provides evidence that engineering students perceive sustainability in design as a constraint, limiting the number of solutions for design and decreasing the cognitive efficiency to generate solutions. Senior engineering students generated fewer solutions than freshmen, however, seniors were better able to cognitively manage the sustainability parameter with higher cognitive efficiency. The second manuscript investigates the cognitive difference when generating concepts using concept listing or concept mapping. The results indicate that concept mapping (i.e. intentionally drawing relationships between concepts) leads to more concepts generated. An increase in concepts during concept mapping was also observed to shift cognitive load in the brain from regions associated with process sequencing to regions associated with cognitive flexibility. This research demonstrates the feasibility of fNIRS applied in engineering research and provides more understanding of the cognitive requirements for sustainability thinking.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralSustainability brings new challenges to engineering design. To advance the practice of sustainable engineering, engineers are expected to be able to efficiently tackle socio-technical problems using a systems perspective. Engineering education is expected to help engineering students to achieve this goal. Improving education relies on understanding of mental process of thinking and designing for sustainability. In this research, a nascent neuroimaging technology-functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) has been used to measure the cognition of engineering students thinking for sustainability. fNIRS enables us to investigate how sustainability requirements in design influence the cognition of design process, and how different concept generation ways help students understand sustainability. The first manuscript provides evidence that sustainability in design constraint, limiting the number of solutions for design and decreasing the cognitive efficiency to generate solutions. Senior engineering students generated fewer solutions than freshmen, however, seniors showed advantage to handle sustainability requirements with higher cognitive efficiency. The second manuscript investigates the cognitive difference of two concept generation ways using concept listing or mapping. The results indicate that concept mapping leads to more concepts related to sustainability and enables the cognitive load shift from regions associated with sequencing processing to regions associated with cognitive flexibility. This research demonstrates the feasibility of fNIRS applied in engineering research for sustainability and provides more understanding of the cognitive requirements for sustainability thinking.en
dc.description.degreeM. S.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectfunctional near-infrared spectroscopyen
dc.subjectengineering educationen
dc.subjectsystems thinkingen
dc.titleNeuroscience for Engineering Sustainability: Measuring Cognition During Design Ideation and Systems Thinking Among Students in Engineeringen
dc.typeThesisen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen S.en


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