Correlation of seismic reflection data with seismicity over the Ramapo, New Jersey, fault zone

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Virginia Tech


Reflection seismic data, mylonite reflectivity, gravity data, and earthquake hypocenters have been integrated into a possible explanation for seismicity in the Ramapo fault area. Seven reflection seismic lines were processed using variations in sorting and residual statics. Single VIBROSEIS sweeps were treated as separate sourcepoints. Compressional velocities and densities were determined in the laboratory. Reflection coefficients and gravity models provide evidence for reflections from mylonite zones. Earthquake hypocenters were projected into the vertical seismic sections. The results suggest a correlation between rock volumes containing hypocenters and rock volumes containing mylonite zones. The seismic line furthest from the Taconic suture displays fewer hypocenters and mylonites, in agreement with an assumed model of mylonite development possibly associated with obduction of continental crust. The mylonite zones in the basement may serve as local areas of crustal weakness for seismic activity occurring in the area.



