Quantifying macroinvertebrate structural and functional response to stream acidification and subsequent recovery in Shenandoah National Park

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Virginia Tech


Acid rain alters freshwater pH and ion composition, preventing organisms from performing essential bodily functions causing mortality. Macroinvertebrate communities in acidified streams are characterized by species loss in response to physiological stress and altered food quality resulting from the degradation of microbial (e.g., fungi on leaves) communities. Although freshwater acidification in the U.S. is lessening following reduced industrial emissions, little is known about macroinvertebrate recovery. Often, biotic recovery is assessed by looking at changes to what taxa and how many individuals are present in the community (e.g., richness, density). While providing a metric for change, changes in "who" is there (i.e., richness) doesn't necessarily tell us changes in "what" they are doing (i.e., function). The relationship between diversity and function requires linking a "who" to their "what" with direct measurements or as indicated by their traits. Traits are attributes of an organism that aggregate biological, morphological, and behavioral information and may relate to their success in a particular environment. For example, taxa that cannot survive with stream drying (not desiccation resistant) may only be found in streams with permanent water. Trait-based taxonomic metrics could bridge "who" and "what" and expand the impact of stream recovery assessments. My objective was to assess trends over time in water chemistry and macroinvertebrate taxonomic and trait richness and density following reduced industrial emissions. To do so, I studied two long-term data sets from Shenandoah National Park to assess trends in water chemistry and macroinvertebrate taxa and trait composition over a 30-year period to identify taxa and traits that are sensitive to acidification. I also measured how much biomass macroinvertebrates produced in a year (i.e., secondary production) in two streams (1 acidified; 1 not acidified) to determine taxa and traits that are functionally sensitive to acidification. I used these structural and functional measures of sensitivity to determine if changes in trait richness or density predict changes in the function of that trait (e.g., secondary production).

Changes over time show that streams have some recovery from acid rain with increasing stream pH and a greater number of taxa and traits present in the community. Changes in taxa were greater than changes in traits over time. While this result was expected as multiple taxa make up each trait category, it may also suggest minimal or delayed functional recovery over time. Still, macroinvertebrate secondary production indicated that function did differ with differences in acidification. Therefore, observed small changes in traits over time mirror prior studies that found other variables, such as competition for food or space, delay or inhibit macroinvertebrates from returning to the recovering streams. Additionally, there were similarities between traits changing over time and the secondary production of traits that differed between more and less acidified streams. Taxa characterized by long life spans and large body size (e.g., semivoltine, long adult life, slow seasonal development) appeared to be the most sensitive to changes in acidification. These findings suggest that some compositional attributes, like taxonomic or trait richness, may predict functional changes measured as secondary production while others, such as density, do not.



acid deposition, macroinvertebrate, secondary production, function, structure, diversity, trait chronic stressor, global change, Shenandoah National Park

