Investigation of the Temperature Compensation of Piezoelectric Weigh-In-Motion Sensors Using a Machine Learning Approach

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Piezoelectric ceramics have good electromechanical coupling characteristics and a high sensitivity to load. One typical engineering application of piezoelectric ceramic is its use as a signal source for Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) systems in road traffic monitoring. However, piezoelectric ceramics are also sensitive to temperature, which affects their measurement accuracy. In this study, a new piezoelectric ceramic WIM sensor was developed. The output signals of sensors under different loads and temperatures were obtained. The results were corrected using polynomial regression and a Genetic Algorithm Back Propagation (GA-BP) neural network algorithm, respectively. The results show that the GA-BP neural network algorithm had a better effect on sensor temperature compensation. Before and after GA-BP compensation, the maximum relative error decreased from about 30% to less than 4%. The sensitivity coefficient of the sensor reduced from 1.0192 × 10−2/°C to 1.896 × 10−4/°C. The results show that the GA-BP algorithm greatly reduced the influence of temperature on the piezoelectric ceramic sensor and improved its temperature stability and accuracy, which helped improve the efficiency of clean-energy harvesting and conversion.



piezoelectric sensor, temperature compensation, GA-BP neural network, Weigh-In-Motion, error analysis


Yang, H.; Yang, Y.; Hou, Y.; Liu, Y.; Liu, P.; Wang, L.; Ma, Y. Investigation of the Temperature Compensation of Piezoelectric Weigh-In-Motion Sensors Using a Machine Learning Approach. Sensors 2022, 22, 2396.