Automatic Source Code Transformation To Pass Compiler Optimization

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Virginia Tech


Loop vectorization is a powerful optimization technique that can significantly boost the runtime of loops. This optimization depends on functional equivalence between the original and optimized code versions, a requirement typically established through the compiler's static analysis. When this condition is not met, the compiler will miss the optimization. The process of manually rewriting the source code to pass an already missed compiler optimization is time-consuming, given the multitude of potential code variations, and demands a high level of expertise, making it impractical in many scenarios. In this work, we propose a novel framework that aims to take the code blocks that the compiler failed to optimize and transform them to another code block that passes the compiler optimization. We develop an algorithm to efficiently search for a code structure that automatically passes the compiler optimization (weakly verified through a correctness test). We focus on loop-vectorize optimization inside OpenMP directives, where the introduction of parallelism adds complexity to the compiler's vectorization task and is shown to hinder optimizations. Furthermore, we introduce a modified version of TSVC, a loop vectorization benchmark in which all original loops are executed within OpenMP directives. Our evaluation shows that our framework enables " loop-vectorize" optimizations that the compiler failed to pass, resulting in a speedup up to 340× in the blocks optimized. Furthermore, applying our tool to HPC benchmark applications, where those applications are already built with optimization and performance in mind, demonstrates that our technique successfully enables extended compiler optimization, thereby accelerating the execution time of the optimized blocks in 15 loops and the entire execution time of the three applications by up to 1.58 times.



Source Code Transformation, Loop-Vectorization, Machine Learning

